Recognize Symptoms of Cyclotymy, Mental Disorders Similar to Bipolar


Medical Video: Bipolar Disorder Symptoms & Treatments : How to Diagnose Bipolar Disease

Have you ever heard cyclothymia? Yes, cyclotemics is one of the mental disorders whose symptoms almost resemble bipolar disorder. This mental disorder is quite difficult to detect because people affected by this disease often do not realize it.

So, understand what cyclothymia is, how the symptoms are, and what causes them to be more easily overcome. Curious? Come on, read the following review.

Cyclotimia is a mental disorder

Cyclotymic disorder also known as cyclotymia is a disorder of the mood that causes emotions to rise and fall, from hypomania to depression, but on a mild scale. This condition usually occurs in adolescents. People with this condition often feel normal or healthy, even though they will look depressed for others. That is why many people are not aware of being affected by this disorder because the mood changes experienced are not too heavy.

The cyclotymic disorder can be characterized by mild depressive symptoms which then turn into hypomania. Hypomania is a change in mood that makes a person feel very excited both physically and mentally.

Symptoms and causes of cyclothymia

Reporting from Health Line, the difference between cyclotymic disorder and bipolar disorder is the intensity of symptoms. Mood changes due to bipolar disorder are more extreme than cyclotymic disorders.

So, the symptoms of depression experienced and hypomania that appear lighter than bipolar disorder. But you need to know, if not treated this condition can develop into type 1 or 2 bipolar disorder.

A common symptom of cyclothymia is depression which occurs more than weeks, followed by hypomania in a few days. Depressive symptoms of cyclothymia include:

  • Easy to get angry
  • More aggressive
  • Sleep disorders, can be insomnia or hypersomnia
  • Appetite changes and body weight decreases
  • Easily tired
  • Low sexual drive
  • Easy to despair and feel guilty
  • Easy to forget and difficult to concentrate

feel lonely

While hypomania symptoms from cyclothymia include:

  • Anxious
  • Often express opinions not as usual
  • Cannot make good decisions
  • Restless
  • Too excited without feeling tired like usual
  • Careless
  • Tends to talk very fast until other people find it difficult to digest his words

Symptoms can occur separately or can be simultaneously. Before being diagnosed with this disease, symptoms that attack must occur at least two years in adults and one year in children. Symptom change cycles are usually patterned, namely from depression, normal, then hypomania.

Until now, the cause between bipolar and cyclothemicals is not known exactly. However, several factors can be associated with this disease, such as a family history that previously had a mental disorder. In some cases, traumatic events can also be the trigger for this condition.

Care for people with cyclothymia

Cyclotimia is a chronic condition that requires lifelong care. Although it cannot be cured, the symptoms can still be managed. If you don't experience treatment, the condition can develop into bipolar disorder that is susceptible to various dangerous conditions, such as the use of drugs, acts of violence, sexual abuse, even death due to chronic diseases and suicide.

Some drugs that can help cyclothymia include:

  • Lithium to control the liver
  • Anticonvulsant drugs, such as lemotrigine, valproic acid, and sodium divalproex
  • Anti-anxiety drugs, such as benzodiazepines
  • Antidepressant drugs used in conjunction with mood stabilizers
  • Atopical antipsychotic drugs, such as olanzapine, quetiapine, risperidone

In addition to drugs, patients also need health therapy and cognitive therapy. Health therapy focuses on overall health and how to reduce symptoms. Meanwhile, cognitive therapy aims to restore behavior to a more positive and healthy direction.

Recognize Symptoms of Cyclotymy, Mental Disorders Similar to Bipolar
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