Recognize the characteristics of eczema on the skin of the penis and Zakar fruit


Skin irritation due to eczema usually appears on one part of the skin, for example on the face, the inside of the elbow, the back of the knee, and on the hands and feet. But apparently, eczema can also appear on the genital skin. In men, eczema can appear on the skin of the penis and testicles, even to the anus. What are the symptoms of eczema on the penis and surrounding area?

How can eczema appear on the penis and testicles?

Your genital organs are almost always in moist clothing. Moist and warm groin is an ideal environment for triggering bacterial infections and skin irritation.

In addition, the genitals are thinner and drier than other skin parts. When constantly experiencing friction from clothing or exposure to chemicals in soap or detergent clothing, genital skin can be more susceptible to irritation.

Symptoms of eczema on the male genital skin

Symptoms of eczema on the genital skin are almost the same as eczema symptoms that appear on other body parts.

Eczema makes the skin feel very itchy, red, swollen, and hot like burning. Skin that has eczema also feels dry, rough, scaly, and even cracked. In many cases, eczema can cause the skin color darker or brighter than the surrounding airea, and the emergence of fluid-filled sponges appears on the surface of the skin. This condition can take place in days or weeks, and can heal on its own.

In addition, launching the Medical News Today page, eczema on the penis and testicles (scrotum) can cause unpleasant odors and the loss of fine hair in the genitals.

In some cases that are severe enough, eczema skin irritation can cause the appearance of pus lumps and severe pain. Eczema that is classified as serious can also cause gangrene formation that spreads to the legs and lower abdomen.

Who are the men at risk of developing eczema on the penis?

Here are some things that can cause a man more likely to be exposed to irritants and bacterial infections that trigger eczema in the genital area:

  • Exposure to hot and humid temperatures continuously, such as when using clothes that are too thick.
  • Exposure to irritants from sex lubricants, diesel engines, and textile dyes.
  • Topical drug allergic reactions include anti-bacterial ointments
  • Allergic reactions from the use of condoms, both from rubber condoms or spermicides
  • Riboflavin zinc and vitamin B malnutrition
  • Psychological stress that triggers behavior keeps scratching the testicles, causing blisters
  • HIV and other genital infections
  • Hereditary factors that make a person more susceptible to eczema.

What can be done?

Eczema is a recurrent skin disease. By knowing what causes your eczema, the symptoms of eczema can be treated by eliminating or protecting yourself from these risk factors.

Avoid exposure to irritants to the skin too often and use of drugs that trigger allergic reactions. In addition, maintain healthy genital skin by keeping the genital area clean and dry. Change panties frequently and don't use ones made from too thick and too tight. Let the skin reduce the risk and symptoms of eczema.

Without being handled by overcoming risk factors and causes, even eczema in the penis that is classified as mild can very quickly become severe. The appearance of skin discoloration and irritation with swelling requires treatment by a doctor with treatment, skin moisturizer, to UV therapy.

Recognize the characteristics of eczema on the skin of the penis and Zakar fruit
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