Rheumatism and Gout Both Make Joint Pain. Then what's the difference?


Medical Video: Gout

Are the joints aching lately? Some say it's because you have arthritis. But, others call it gout, so which one is right? Yes, many people don't know the difference between rheumatism and gout. Indeed, both have symptoms of joint pain, but are they really the same disease? So what is the difference?

Is rheumatism and gout the same disease?

Rheumatism and gout have the same symptoms, namely pain in the joints of the body. Even so, actually both are different diseases. Rheumatism and gout are indeed included in the group of arthritis, but both are caused by things that are far different.

Rheumatism in medical language is called rheumatoid arthritis, which is similar autoimmune disease which makes the joints stiff and inflamed. So, inflammation is caused by the body's immune system being disrupted and even attacks the body's joint tissues to make it damaged.

While joint pain is a result uric acid caused by too much uric acid level (uric acid) in the body. So, uric acid that is accumulated in the body is caused by eating mostly foods containing purine.

In the body, purines will be processed into uric acid and under normal circumstances, the body will be excreted through feces. However, if there are too many, these substances will accumulate and turn into crystals in the joints, then inflammation occurs.

Which is more severe, rheumatism or gout?

Rheumatism and gout can cause sufferers to experience difficulties when on the move. Even so, from both of them it is known that rheumatism cannot be cured, although it can be alleviated or controlled for symptoms. When you are diagnosed with rheumatism, your doctor will provide various treatment options to relieve your symptoms.

Whereas if you experience gout, you can control the symptoms by adjusting the appropriate diet. Avoid foods that contain lots of purine and alcohol. In addition, the doctor will also give medicines to relieve joint pain due to gout.

So I got arthritis or gout?

Although it looks similar and has the same symptoms, which make joints painful, reddish, until swollen, actually rheumatism and gout have different characteristics. What are the characteristics?

  • Pain due to gout, usually attacks one joint at a time and often occurs in the legs, usually in the toes, especially the big toe joints.
  • Rheumatism can cause pain in any part of the body, but it is most common in joints in the hands, wrists, and feet. Rheumatism can attack several joints at one time.
  • Symptoms of gout are always accompanied by swelling, redness, and pain that often appears.
  • Symptoms of rheumatism also always cause pain, but not always appear swelling or redness in the joints.
  • Joint pain due to rheumatism can vary in intensity. Sometimes mild to severe pain. While pain because gout tends to be frequent and severe.

However, the best and most accurate way to find out if you experience gout or rheumatism is to see a doctor. The doctor will also help you with the treatment and treatment needed.

Rheumatism and Gout Both Make Joint Pain. Then what's the difference?
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