Signs of Baldness and How to Prevent them


Medical Video: 6 Early Signs of Balding - Male Pattern Baldness

Generally, baldness occurs in old age. However, currently baldness can hit various ages. Not only parents, baldness can also occur earlier, not also seeing women or men. One characteristic of baldness is excessive hair loss. According to scientific research from the team of doctors Ristra represented by Dr. Retno Tranggono, SpKK quoted by Tribunnews, hair loss is normal if there are no more than 100 strands per day. Still based on doctor Ristra's team, hair has three phases of growth, beginning with the anagen phase / growth, katagen phase / rest, then the last is the telogen / loss phase.

According to Dr. Fred Zuli is a hair expert from Sweden and Dr. Falvio Ferrari a researcher from Italy cited by Liputan 6, there are several reasons for hair loss, such as stress, lack of nutrition, smoking habits, and drinking alcohol. These three things can trigger hair loss, and excessive hair loss will cause baldness.

What are the signs of baldness?

There are several signs that need to be considered about baldness:

1. Thinning hair

Thinning of the hair in several parts of the head, can be caused because the skin of the hair is unable to hold the hair roots, this results in thinning in some parts of the head. Uneven hair growth, in other parts it feels thick, but there are parts that are very thin and very rarely overgrown with hair. Thinning usually occurs from the front to center of the head.

2. Thinning of other hair on body parts

Hair loss in some parts of the body is one of the characteristics of baldness, such as on the eyebrows. Eyebrows suddenly thinning, need attention.

3. Damaged hair

Damaged hair is a sign of baldness. Fragile and easily broken hair will fall faster, this adds to hair loss. Damage to keratin hair can cause hair to fall out more quickly and break. An unhealthy scalp is unable to hold back the roots of the hair. Unhealthy scalp can be known by the presence of fungi, such as dandruff.

What causes baldness?

The above characteristics occur because there is a trigger, not without the cause of someone experiencing premature baldness. Baldness can be prevented or slowed down. What follows are the causes of baldness, so you can prevent them:

1. Hormones

Generally the cause of baldness in men is triggered by hormones and genetics, and the pattern of thinning hair. Hair loss like this is called decalvans folliculitis, usually occurs in men. If you experience severe hair loss, then there are some parts of hair thinning on the head, you must be aware of this. For example on the front of the hair, which previously in that part of hair grows thick, now slowly starts to thin out. This can be caused by hair follicles experiencing obstacles or not experiencing hair growth. Whereas in women, menopause is one of the triggers of baldness. There is a hormone called androgens, this hormone can affect hair growth. There are conditions when women experience post-menopause, where hair that falls out cannot grow back, this is called frontal fibrosing alopecia.

Baldness due to hormonal and genetic factors is indeed unavoidable. The amount of testosterone in women is also a fast trigger for baldness.

2. Mental stress

Mental stress can cause illness and can cause excessive amounts of hair loss, as stated above. Stress can inhibit hormones from working properly. Apart from mental stress, there is also physical stress, or stress experienced after struggling with illness, such as postoperative stress. It is still considered normal if hair loss and growth are still balanced, but if the hair growth is out of balance, it needs further attention. In addition, usually in women, the presence of a skin disease that results in injury to the hair follicle if not treated can cause baldness. Loss can also occur after childbirth or become pregnant. This is very natural, but if hair loss continues after three months after giving birth, you need to be careful.

3. Hair products and hairstyles

Be careful when choosing hair products, because not everyone is suitable to use the same product. Like facial skin, there are cosmetics that are suitable and not suitable. Likewise in choosing hair products, some are suitable and not suitable for use. Also keep in mind your hair type, whether dry, oily or combination hair. Generally the scalp is the same as on the skin of the face. Using hair products that don't match the type of scalp can cause head problems such as dandruff. This can cause injury if it is scratched continuously, consequently the hair follicles cannot work normally. Of course you always want to look stylish, with hairstyles that are made straight or curly in women. In men using oil or hair gel, or you want to have a different hair color than normal. This can be a cause of baldness.

When you clamp or curl hair, this makes the hair layer thinner. This can also damage hair keratin. Damage to keratin hair can cause hair to become easily brittle and quickly fall out. The attraction of the scalp when plucking or curling, makes the hair roots not strong. The heat produced by clamping tools or curlers can make the scalp hurt, resulting in hair growth stunted. Similarly, coloring hair, coloring agents can cover the hair, so that the hair dries faster and easily falls out. Keep in mind, coloring agents can make the scalp hurt, especially the scalp that has allergies to certain substances. This causes disrupted hair growth, the amount of hair loss becomes more than the amount of hair that grows.


This is a condition where the skin is injured and swollen. This not only applies to the scalp, but to all parts of the skin overgrown with hair. However, the scalp can also experience this, so that hair loss and baldness can occur on the injured part of the skin.

How to overcome baldness?

As your age or routine increases, which does require a high level of stress, hair loss can indeed be prevented. However, you can try to slow down the occurrence of baldness in the hair, here is how to slow down baldness:

1. Medicine and treatment

There is a special treatment to prevent baldness. One of which is hair transplants, or rabut transplant. Hair transplantation is cutting the hair on the head that is growing actively, then implanting it on the part of the scalp that experiences rare hair growth. This therapy does have risks, namely infection and injury. Besides therapy, you can also use certain drugs. Finasteride is a drug that can prevent baldness in men. The way this drug works is by blocking certain hormones that trigger baldness. Minoxidil is usually used by men to spread hair. For women, usually use the drug Spironolactone to grow new hair.

2. Healthy lifestyle

A healthy lifestyle is very important. Increasing eating fruits and vegetables can catch free radicals that interfere with how certain hormones work. If healthy from the inside has been done, then from the outside it will feel by itself. Regular exercise can prevent stress. There are some natural ingredients that are good for hair such as aloe vera, egg yolk, pecan seeds, and coconut milk.

3. Selectively choose products

As explained above, you need to be selective in using hair products. Problems on the scalp must be treated properly, or the problem will get worse. Avoid massaging the head, brittle hair will fall out faster if the head is massaged too often. Also pay attention to how to massage the head. Massage the head by gently pressing the scalp, do not pull the hair or rub the hair.


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Signs of Baldness and How to Prevent them
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