This is the reason why we scream when we feel scared


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When you watch a horror movie, without realizing it your eyes become enlarged, mouth open, and preparing to shout. This is done unconsciously to prepare for something scary to appear. But apparently the expression and sound of the scream can be explained scientifically. Some studies have examined how a person who is afraid then shouts or scream instantly. Even the sound of shouting is called a weapon that can be used to defeat an opponent. How can?

Fear is a natural thing that appears to anyone

Fear is a chain reaction produced by the brain, which begins with the presence of a stress stimulus and ends in various changes in bodily functions. Actually, feeling fear is normal and can happen to anyone. When someone feels fear, the body will respond by doing various things.

The emergence of fear can be regarded as a self-protection mechanism that occurs naturally by the body. With fear, the body will activate the response to 'fight or run' (fight or fligth response). This response will cause changes in some bodily functions such as

  • adrenaline hormone increases
  • heart rate becomes very fast
  • eye pupils widen
  • blood flows rapidly in the blood vessels
  • the process of digestion and metabolism of nutrients becomes slowed
  • blood sugar increases

All of these changes are made by the body to make the body become strong so that they can face the things that make them afraid.

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How can fear arise?

The brain is a very complex organ and is the central regulator of all the work carried out by the organs in the body. There are more than 100 billion nerve cells that communicate with each other. Actually, many parts of the brain are involved in responding to stimuli that enter the body, but basically there are 5 main parts that make you have a fear of something, namely:

  • Thalamus, the part of the brain that receives stimulation given by the senses, such as the eyes, nose, or ears.
  • Sensory cortex, the part of the brain that is responsible for interpreting the stimulus received by the body's senses
  • Hippocampus, accepts and stores memories that are formed from this frightening experience and then processes the response.
  • Amygdala, forms emotions and fear from experiences that have been experienced.
  • The hypothalamus, the part of the brain responsible for activating the response fight to flight.

Not only response fight to flight just what the body does, screaming or screaming is also a response and can be considered a 'weapon' that can protect itself from threatening dangers.

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Screams can be used as weapons

Gregory Whitehouse, a researcher from the Institute for Screams of Studies, has examined screams, and stated that indeed screams or shouts can actually be used as weapons to attack their opponents. In his writing, Gregory explained that by shouting, the body would receive more energy and become stronger than before.

A study conducted by researchers from New York University examined the reasons for someone screaming and the results were reported in the journal Current Biology. In this study researchers pay attention to and analyze every shout from various sources, such as shouts from YouTube or other cries of recording. These various cries were then heard by several volunteers. These volunteers examined their brains using MRI when they listened to all the shouts.

Not only that, the collection of screaming sounds is also measured by the frequency of the sound and it is known that screaming or screaming has a very high frequency spike which is up to 30-150 Hz. Even if you speak in a normal tone the increase in sound frequency only reaches 4-5Hz per second. The MRI results also show that when the brain hears screaming, the brain does not process it like the brain processes sound with normal intonation and tone.

Based on the results of these studies, the researchers also concluded that screaming sounds would interfere with and make feelings that were uncomfortable for the listener. So, not only makes yourself stronger, shouts can make other people - in this case our opponents - become disturbed and then reduce their alertness.

READ ALSO: What Happens to the Body When We Feel Afraid

This is the reason why we scream when we feel scared
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