8 Foods to Avoid If You Have COPD


Medical Video: Understanding COPD

We can all benefit from a healthy diet. This also applies if you suffer from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, aka COPD or COPD. You might know what is healthy to eat but do you know what you should not eat? Here are some foods that should be avoided if you suffer from COPD.

1. Nitrates can worsen the symptoms of COPD

Nitrate is not good for a healthy diet, not only for COPD patients but also for everyone. A study published on European Respiratory Journal shows that nitrates can worsen the symptoms of COPD and trigger flare-up (episodes where symptoms get worse). Recent studies have shown that nitrates can even cause COPD.Bacon, processed cuts, ham and hot dogs, all contain nitrates and should be avoided if you suffer from COPD.

2. Too much salt can make breathing more difficult

Don't consume salt anymore if you suffer from COPD! Salt and salty food can cause the body to retain water. This fluid puts pressure on the lungs, making it difficult for you to breathe. You can use salt substitutes, but scientists and nutritionists say that some salt substitutes can contain the potassium height, which can interact with some of the drugs you use.

The safest way for the body to get intake sodium and preventing fluid retention is to use herbs and spices. Avoiding salt substitutes is also wise.

3. Milk and milk products can increase mucus production

Although it can supply calcium to strengthen bones, milk can increase the production of mucus in the lungs. According to one study, compounds in milk called casomophin can cause increased production of mucus or make phlegm thickened. With COPD, our respiratory system is disrupted and unable to transport mucus through the tissues as efficiently as we should. This will cause coughing and difficulty breathing.

If you experience more production of thick phlegm or phlegm, you must limit the amount of milk in your diet. This includes anything made from milk, such as yogurt, ice cream, cheese, butter, and buttermilk.

4. Some vegetables can cause difficulty breathing

Usually, crossed vegetables will be recommended for anyone because of their high fiber content. One disadvantage of this type of vegetable is that it can cause gas and bloating in the stomach. This will then suppress the lungs and make COPD sufferers more difficult to breathe.

Find what is right for you. You may not have to completely avoid cross vegetables. You only have to limit and eat in sufficient quantities. Some vegetables that you should avoid are broccoli, cauliflower, brussel sprouts, turnips, and bok choy.

5. Sulfate in shrimp can constrict the airways

Seafood can be a healthy source of protein but shrimp can affect breathing. Shrimp seems to contain a chemical called sulfite. Sulfite constricts the bronchial section in COPD patients. When the airways narrow, breathing becomes more difficult.

Bottom line: Consider stopping eating shrimp if you suspect that seafood causes a reaction. Remember that potatoes, beer, wine and some drugs also contain sulfite.

6. Frying can make breathing difficult

Similar to cross vegetables, fried foods can cause gas and bloating. Greasy fries make the stomach bulge, and the bulging stomach will push the diaphragm muscles (the muscles that separate the lungs and stomach) and limit lung expansion. So, for the future, if you are thinking of snacking on fried foods, remember that fried foods are not good for COPD sufferers.

7. Coffee can cause respiratory discomfort due to excessive bloating

Not surprisingly, carbonated drinks are included in the "gas and bloating" food group. People with COPD should drink plenty of fluids to thin mucus in the lungs, but carbonated drinks can actually cause dehydration.

Caffeinated drinks, sweet drinks and alcoholic beverages contain chemicals that need a lot of water in the body to be processed. As a result, this type of drink can actually make the body dehydrated. Chocolate also has the same effect on the stomach and lungs.

8. Foods that cause acid reflux are also not good for COPD

Although citrus fruits rich in vitamin C are very nutritious, this type of fruit can trigger acid reflux. Called GERD if long-term, acid reflux can worsen the symptoms of COPD. COPD sufferers are at higher risk for acid reflux, according to a study published in the journal Chest. Do you know what foods cause acid reflux? Try to avoid or eliminate these foods from your diet.

Eating healthily is very important if you suffer from COPD. If you have trouble breathing, daily activities and even eating can be a challenge. However, if you manage to overcome this challenge, you will win against your disease.

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8 Foods to Avoid If You Have COPD
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