Want to lose weight? Ginger Can Be the Key!


Medical Video: Dr. Oz on Weight Loss

Ginger is one of the most consumed spices in the world. Because the efficacy of ginger is no doubt. This plant has a long history of use as an herbal medicine to help treat various diseases because of its phytochemical and antioxidant content. Besides being effective in treating diseases, it turns out that ginger is also believed to help reduce weight. Curious? See the explanation in this article.

Efficacy of ginger to lose weight

In a study conducted by researchers from the Institute for Human Nutrition at Columbia University found that eating hot ginger for a diet can make you feel full longer. As a result, you also tend not to eat more later.

Not only that, this study also found that ginger can help suppress your appetite. This happens because ginger can increase the body's metabolic rate and calories burned.

Other research also found something similar

While a new study published in the Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, examined more than 60 findings of previous studies conducted on cell culture, experimental animals, and humans. Overall, the study states that ginger and various compounds contained in it have a beneficial effect on obesity, diabetes, and heart disease.

Not only that, ginger has also been shown to inhibit oxidative stress (a form of cellular aging), has anti-inflammatory properties, lowers cholesterol and blood pressure. In fact, ginger can reduce atherosclerosis, which is the buildup of harmful fats in arteries.

In the study, it was explained how ginger spices play a role in fat burning, carbohydrate digestion, and insulin production. When fed to mice, ginger has been shown to reduce weight and systemic inflammation significantly, reduce cholesterol and blood sugar and protect the liver from the harmful effects of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.

Even so, until now researchers still don't understand the exact formulations and dosages to get the clinical benefits of ginger to lose weight.

Add ginger to your diet

Are you interested in adding ginger to healthy foods for your diet? Here are various ways you can try at home.

  • Drink ginger tea two to three times a day to help facilitate your digestive system.
  • Chew the ginger slices a few minutes before eating. If you don't like to chew raw ginger, alternatively you can mix a little grated ginger with lemon juice and salt. Then, eat a pinch of the mixture before eating. In addition to improving the digestive system, eating a small pinch of ginger mixture before meals can also reduce your appetite so it doesn't make you eat too much.
  • Drink two to three times a day to squeeze ginger mixed with enough honey.
  • Add your food with this one spice as often as possible.

The benefits of ginger to increase metabolism can indeed help you lose weight, including fat in your body. However, regular exercise and paying attention to healthy food intake is the best way to burn fat to lose weight.

Want to lose weight? Ginger Can Be the Key!
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