What Happens to the Human Body After Dying?


Medical Video: The Ten Stages Of Your Death

Talking about death is not easy. Because, losing someone because of death is a bitter experience. Not to mention the restlessness in everyone who will come to death. Even though it's not like the image of many people, death is an amazing natural process. After death, your body slowly decomposes is still filled with life. Don't believe? Here is the proof!

What happens to the body a few minutes after death

In the first seconds a person dies, brain activity, blood flow, and breathing also stop. The blood that had flowed to all organs of the body will only be flooded and clot in certain parts of the body. So, other body organs such as the heart, kidneys and liver will stop functioning.

However, within a few minutes the cells in your body will not immediately die. An expert in forensic pathology Dr. Judy Melinek explained that because cells are still alive within a few minutes after death, there is still an opportunity to do organ donation, depending on their physical condition before they die.

What happens to the body a few hours after death

The body's cells will eventually die because there is no more oxygen intake in the body. Then calcium will accumulate in the muscles throughout the body. This is what causes the body of a person who has died a few hours to become very stiff.

However, about 36 hours or two days later, even the stiff muscles will relax again. The massage of the muscles triggers the intestine to push and dispose of the remnants of poisons and fluids out of the body, just like humans who are defecating.

The skin of a deceased person will also dry up and become wrinkled a few hours after he died. As a result, fingernails and toes seem to grow. Even though it's actually skin that shrinks and shrinks.

What happened to the body a few days after death

Within a few days after a person dies, the body will produce natural decomposers called cadaverine and putrescine. Both of these decomposers produce a bad odor that is quite stinging.

Acidity levels will increase dramatically after a person's body stops functioning. Enzymes from amino acids in the body also begin to digest or break down the organs of the body. Usually this process starts from the liver which is rich in enzymes, then the brain, and finally all other body parts.

Because of the high levels of cadaverine and acidic enzymes, bacteria multiply rapidly. This bacterial colony eats from the body of a person who has died for days. So, the decomposition process becomes faster.

What happens to the body a few weeks after death

Not only is the bacterial colony "turning on" the body that is not functioning. Various insects and animals such as maggots will breed and inhabit the body after death. According to research from the Australian Museum, maggots can spend up to 60% of the human body within a week.

Hair and fine hair that was rooted in the skin will begin to fall out. In addition, because the bacteria continue to consume the remaining body parts, the entire body will turn purplish until finally blackened.

Several months and years after death  

Months after death, the body will continue to be decomposed and consumed by various organisms until finally only the skeleton remains. To reach this stage, it takes about four months. However, if someone is buried in a chest, this process will be delayed for many years.

In the end, death is a natural process that is full of new life. The new life means various types of organisms that absorb your body as an energy source.

Even according to the British neurobiologist, Moheb Costandi, cells and tissues in the body will release various types of nutritious substances into the soil where someone is buried. This makes the land more fertile and rich in nutrients. So, the plants that grow around it become healthier and more lush. It's amazing, isn't it?

What Happens to the Human Body After Dying?
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