Why Do My Milk Nipples Feel Itchy? Check 8 causes and how to overcome them here


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Anyone can feel itch anywhere on his body. Especially in women, itching often occurs in the nipples. Itchy nipples are not dangerous, but some cases can indicate symptoms of an illness. Well, what are the causes of itchy nipples? Consider the following review to know how to overcome it.

Various causes of itchy nipples

The causes of itchy nipples vary. In order to be overcome, of course you have to know the cause first. Check out some of the following causes of itchy nipples.

1. Cold and dry air

Cold and dry air can be a cause of itching in your body, including the nipples.

The itching can get worse when you sweat, but don't keep scratching to avoid irritation. To overcome this, take a bath or soak lukewarm water for 1 minute. After that, apply a moisturizing cream to prevent the skin getting dry.

Can also apply aloe gel or petroleum jelly to the nipple that feels itchy.

2. Pregnant

Pregnancy hormones cause various changes in the body, one of which is an increase in blood flow to the milk tissue so that the breasts get bigger. More rapid blood flow to the breast area can also cause the nipple to itch, feel pain, and be more sensitive.

To overcome this condition, use a bra that is not too tight so it does not interfere with blood flow in the breast. You can also use petroleum jelly or womb lotion vitamin E, cocoa butter, or lanolin in the breast in the morning and evening after bathing.

3. Breastfeeding

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Similar to during pregnancy, increased blood flow to the breast to stimulate milk production can make the nipple itchy. Itching can also be caused by cleanliness of the breasts that are not maintained during breastfeeding. For example, the remaining milk is attached to the skin and then invites bacteria or the use of a less clean ASI pump. Likewise with the habits of babies who like to pull or bite nipples during feeding, can cause irritation and itching of the nipples.

In addition, itching can also be caused by a nipple infection called mastitis. For that, always keep your breast area clean and dry. Use lanolin ointment or silicone gel pads while breastfeeding to relieve symptoms and reduce discomfort. If it is caused by mastitis, treatment for a prescription is needed.

4. Menopause

Menopausal age women no longer produce estrogen. In fact, estrogen also plays a role to stimulate collagen production to maintain skin moisture and elasticity. That's why middle-aged and older women's skin is drier, thinner, and more easily irritated, including in the breast.

To overcome this, you need to maintain skin moisture by applying essential oils to the skin, using moisturizers, and not taking too long to bathe.

5. Dermatitis (eczema)

Itchy nipples can be caused by eczema. Eczema aka dermatitis is a condition of skin inflammation that makes the skin itchy red, feels hot and cracked. Inflammation of the skin due to eczema can be caused by genetic factors or environmental influences, such as chemicals in soap and skin care products, extreme temperature changes, or because of clothing friction such as bra sizes that are too small or oversized.

Eczema can be treated with corticosteroid ointments, anti-inflammatory ointments, and moisturizers and antibiotics. But you should discuss it first with your doctor to look for eczema drugs that are suitable for your skin condition, especially if you are pregnant

6. Fungal infections

Fungal infections often attack breastfeeding women or who often sweat but do not immediately take a shower or change clothes and dry the body. Symptoms include itching, burning pain, dry skin on the nipple, and redness.

To overcome this, use antibiotics and antifungal creams according to your doctor's prescription. In order not to repeat itself, always keep the breast skin dry and wash bras and clothes with hot water and dry in the sun.

7. Cancer radiation therapy

Radiation therapy for breast cancer usually causes side effects of itching on the nipples. Radiation can kill skin cells, causing dryness, burning, and flaking.

The fix is ​​to use clothes that are loose and soft, drink lots of water, and massage the breast area with ice cubes. You can get antihistamine or corticosteroid drugs from a doctor.

8. Paget's disease

Paget's disease is a rare type of breast cancer that specifically attacks the nipples.Symptoms caused by this disease are almost like eczema, namely crusty, scaly and itchy skin. What distinguishes Paget's disease is that the nipple can bleed or emit a yellow liquid.

Paget's disease needs special treatment from a doctor that might include surgery and radiation therapy.

Why Do My Milk Nipples Feel Itchy? Check 8 causes and how to overcome them here
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