Why Do We Not Remember Our Dreams Overnight After Waking Up?


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Almost everyone after waking up, does not remember the dream last night. Whether it's a beautiful dream or a nightmare. Although sometimes it can be remembered, just a piece of the dream or a certain part that you might realize in the morning. Why is it so hard to remember our dreams last night? Come on, find out the answer in the following review.

Why do humans dream?

Dreams are stories or images made by the mind when we fall asleep. Dreams can be entertaining and fun so they want to be remembered when they wake up. Your dreams can also be distracting, weird, and creepy so you want to be forgotten.

A person can dream because the dream is a form of random signals from the brain and body or as a brain reaction when processing the information you get in the afternoon.

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Why is it so hard to remember dreams last night?

There are several possibilities why one cannot remember dreams. First, it is possible that REM sleep does not occur normally as usual. REM sleep is the dream phase of sleep which usually occurs 90 minutes after a person starts falling asleep. In this phase, the brain is more active, your heart rate and breathing are faster. This sleep indicates that you are not sleeping well because your eyes experience rapid movements. This sleep cycle is only brief and can last for up to one hour. The transition from the REM sleep phase to another phase of sleep, such as deep sleep, also makes dreams easy to forget.

Reporting from Scientific American, Ernest Hartmann, professor of psychiatry at Tuffs University School of Medicine and founder of the Sleep Disorder Center at Newton Wellesle Hospital explained that almost all people who wake up forget their dreams. This is associated with neurochemistry (chemical processes in nerves) in the brain during REM sleep.

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In addition, the most believed and simplest explanation for why you have trouble remembering your last night's dream is that your brain sometimes doesn't keep things that are not important; especially like a dream that is sometimes unclear, not grooved, and overlapping.

Just try to remember, this morning when you showered you were wondering what you were thinking about? It's very hard to remember, right? Whereas you might still remember what your graduation atmosphere was like years ago. This is proof that the human brain can indeed distinguish which information is important stored in memory, and which are not important and can be discarded.

Even though most of these dreams are lost, you can still feel that you have just dreamed. For example, a dream that is impressive or frightening.

The dream will attract attention because of the emotional connection and activate the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex and amygdala, which is the area of ​​the brain that facilitates memory and the area of ​​the brain associated with emotions. This makes you able to remember dreams, but only limited to certain parts that interest you.

What else makes us not remember dreams last night?

The use of antidepressant drugs has a strong influence on delaying or reducing the amount of REM sleep. Likewise with excessive alcohol consumption. This will suppress the REM sleep phase even though not as a whole. Using an alarm can also interfere with REM sleep by morning.

Sleep disturbances such as sleep apnea can also interfere with your ability to remember dreams. Untreated sleep apnea can affect your REM sleep because of interference with breathing and relaxation of the respiratory muscles.

Why Do We Not Remember Our Dreams Overnight After Waking Up?
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