Wow, it turns out this is the 5 stages of falling in love according to science


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Falling in love is a natural process that is so beautiful but quite complicated. If you notice, people who are in love can act weird and silly, sometimes even doing things that are beyond common sense.

Love is so amazing. However, that does not mean love is a mystery that cannot be explained at all. Apparently, the experts managed to formulate five important stages in the process of falling in love based on the changes that occur in your body. Curious what happens to your body when you are in love? Immediately see the following stages of falling in love according to science.

1. Lured

Before you fall in love with someone, you will certainly feel great attraction at the beginning of meeting or talking. There are many things that can make someone look attractive in your heart, such as appearance, voice, manner of speech, body language, age, or similarity in nature and background.

In this first stage, the things that make him attractive will activate the part of your brain called the opiod receptor. This brain reaction is similar to the reaction that occurs when the body receives pain relievers, namely morphine. The opioid department is responsible for controlling feelings of liking or disliking something.

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A study in the 2014 journal Molecular Psychiatry revealed that study participants who were given morphine tended to be more easily attracted to other people than those who were not given morphine. This means brain activity does play a very important role in the process of falling in love.

2. Kasmaran

After you feel attracted to someone, you certainly want to know more about him and want to be around him. This is the second stage of falling in love known as the inmate phase. The stage of falling in love is marked by the emergence of euphoria or feeling very excited and overly enthusiastic. The body will trigger the production of the hormone dopamine, adrenaline, and norepinephrine.

However, the happy feeling that emerges is also followed by tension. This is because the hormone adrenaline is one of the hormones produced when you are stressed. So do not be surprised if when you and the him are on the first date, you feel tense and nervous half dead. Some people show different body reactions to this tension. There are people who become sweaty, nervous, nauseous, stomach ache, even itching. Usually your heart will beat faster when you are with someone you like.

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The norepinephrine hormone which is a stimulant will also make it difficult for you to sleep. Also, when you are with someone you like, you suddenly become more concerned about everything about it. Starting from the way he smiles, laughs, or expresses his face. This is because these hormones make you more alert, just like the effects experienced after you consume caffeinated drinks.

3. The world revolves around you

When you try to get to know and find out more about yourself, you will enter the third stage of falling in love. In this stage, the circulation of blood to the part of the brain called the akumben nucleus increases to be more profound.

The acupuncture nucleus is the part of the brain that controls pleasure and appreciation (reward) So, when you are with someone you like or think about themselves, the brain will read it as a form of pleasure and reward for yourself.

This is similar to the brain's reaction to opium. Because the brain has received information about your lover as a satisfying thing, the brain will continue to order you to fulfill your needs for him. This is what makes you always crave his figure and never get bored with him in the early days of falling in love. Your life also revolves around a lover. Whatever you do or think, the figure must come to your mind. You also become willing to do anything to please him, even though things are ridiculous or difficult.

4. Love is blind

Falling in love makes the levels of certain substances in the brain such as serotonin decrease, especially in men. This condition is widely observed in people who suffer from obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD). Because, low serotonin levels are the reason why you feel so obsessed with your partner.

This feeling also causes you to ignore the negative traits of your partner and only want to see the positive traits. This is why many people say that love is blind. In some cases, low serotonin levels coupled with an increase in the hormone adrenaline and norepinephrine can increase sexual desire.

5. Commit to each other

Over time your body will begin to get used to various changes that occur in hormones, brain, and other body functions when falling in love. Therefore, you also begin to feel more comfortable, no longer nervous to sweat or stomach ache when with him. This is the last stage of falling in love, which is to build commitment and bond together.

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Two hormones that play an important role in this stage are oxytocin and vasopressin. Both are also often referred to as the love hormone. Increasing oxytocin and vasopressin in the body will make you feel peaceful and safe when you are with your partner or when you only think about it. This is what encourages you and your partner to commit to each other.

Wow, it turns out this is the 5 stages of falling in love according to science
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