14 Natural Ingredients That Can Help Quit Smoking


Medical Video: 7 ways to get past nicotine cravings

It's hard to stop smoking if someone has become a heavy smoker. You may have made a resolution to stop smoking, but have you managed to stop this habit?

Smoking is a bad habit that damages the lungs and causes many diseases. Are you aware of the effects that can have on your body? If not, it's time for you to begin to realize it, even if you are only a light smoker. Smoking does not affect your body after several years of smoking, but will directly affect your health from the first time you smoke.

Cigarettes contain a lot of nicotine, which has bad effects on the body, such as blood pressure, lung cancer, heart problems and other diseases. The decision is yours, whether you want to sacrifice your health for dangerous chemicals in cigarettes.

Here are some simple natural ingredients that can help you quit smoking.

1. Oatmeal

Oats are ingredients that have long been used to help stop smoking. Take one tablespoon of oatmeal powder and mix it with 2 cups of boiling water. Let stand overnight, then boil in the morning for 10 minutes. Drink after each meal. Avoid consuming at night. Oats can help remove toxins in the body and reduce the desire to smoke. Oats can also relieve nicotine "sakau" symptoms.

2. Water

Drinking lots of water is the main solution to overcome smoking habits. Water can help detoxify the body. Whenever you feel like smoking, drink a glass of water. This not only decreases the desire to smoke but also reduces the symptoms of sakau.

3. Cayenne pepper

Cayenne pepper is one of the natural ingredients to stop smoking. Mix cayenne pepper on food or with a glass of water. Cayenne pepper helps reduce the respiratory system's sensitivity to addictive substances, such as tobacco and nicotine. Cayenne pepper can also reduce the feeling of wanting to smoke.

4. Ginger

One of the common symptoms of nicotine is nausea, which can be overcome by consuming ginger juice. Add 1 teaspoon of ginger powder to your breakfast to reduce the desire to smoke. Ginger is an effective ingredient to prevent the production of dopamine, one of the main components found in nicotine.

5. Lobella

Lobella is also useful in reducing the desire to smoke and overcome the symptoms of nicotine pain, such as nausea, irritation, frequent hunger, and weak concentration.

6. Multivitamins

Smoking causes a lack of important nutrients in the body. This can be overcome by supplementing vitamins A, C and E, which can help overcome the symptoms of nicotine cravings. Vitamin A is useful to repair damaged mucus and vitamin E to repair damaged cells caused by smoking. You can consume orange juice to restore vitamin C deficiency in the body.

7. Radish

Radish is one of the natural ingredients that can be relied upon to stop smoking. Turnip grated and discard the juice. Mix with honey, drink 2 times a day.

8. Licorice stem

One of the natural ingredients used to avoid smoking is to chew the licorice stem when you want to smoke. Licorice is a good cigarette substitute.

9. Grape seed extract

Take grape seed extract to repair lung damage from smoking.

10. Grape juice

The acid content in grape juice can remove nicotine from the body. Drink grape juice every day when you are ready to stop smoking.

11. St. John's Wort

This herbal plant is useful for reducing the desire to smoke. Studies show that 450 mg capsules of St. John Wort, if taken 2 times a day, can help reduce smoking habits.

12. Hyssop

Hyssop can be used to reduce nicotine symptoms, such as anxiety and histories. Hyssop is also useful for launching the lungs.

13. Honey

Honey is a good ingredient for smoking cessation. Honey contains vitamins, enzymes and proteins that are useful and help stop smoking.

14. Herbal cigarettes

You can also try herbal cigarettes containing 0% nicotine. These cigarettes are made from herbs such as mint, cinnamon, licorice, lemongrass, cornsilk or clover. However, herbal cigarettes are prohibited from being used in the long term, because herbal cigarettes also contain carcinogens.


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14 Natural Ingredients That Can Help Quit Smoking
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