3 of the most frequently complained of problem users


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Are you a user of contact lenses (contact lenses)? As a way to improve vision sharpness without reducing the beauty of appearance, contact lenses are a favorite among young adults. However, among all the advantages offered by contact lenses, there are hidden problems that often affect users. What are some and how do you handle them? This article will discuss it thoroughly.

The main problems of people who use contact lenses

1. Eye infection

There are various types of infections that can strike the eye due to the use of contact lenses. For example conjunctivitis (inflammation of the conjunctiva), keratitis (inflammation of the cornea) Acanthamoeba, or corneal ulcer (wound).

The most common symptoms to complain about are red eyes, pain, excessive eye discharge, sometimes accompanied by blurred vision. If you suffer from these symptoms, immediately release the contact lens and consult an ophthalmologist. Antibiotic eye drops will be given according to the type of eye infection that attacks you.

How to prevent?

Eye infections due to the use of contact lenses can be avoided by good contact care procedures and procedures. Always wash your contact lenses with only a cleaning fluid specifically for contact lenses. Also, don't forget to wash your hands before using or removing contact lenses.

2. Contact lenses are lost when used

Often when contact lenses suddenly disappear, contact lenses actually fall from the eyes. However, in some instances, the lens that feels lost turns tucked into the upper side of the eyeball. This is especially true for those of you who don't remove contact lenses when you want to rest.

If you lose your contact lens when you use it and can't find it falling, go to an ophthalmologist to make sure the contact lenses don't slip on the top of the eye. A lens tucked into the upper part of the eyeball requires an eversion of the eyelids to be able to pick it up.

How to prevent?

When you are using contact lenses, avoid physical activity that is too heavy as much as possible. Physical activity that is too heavy, collisions, or hard shocks may make contact lenses loose or tucked into your eyes.

3. Tight lens syndrome (contact lenses are too tight)

This condition occurs when contact lenses appear to stick tightly to your cornea (the clear part in front of your eyes). Symptoms commonly felt are red eyes accompanied by blurred vision, even though contact lenses are being worn.

Tight lens syndrome this can happen for example in contact lenses that have dried (past life or expiration), the use of contact lenses during sleep, and in the use of contact lenses in windy or too hot weather conditions.

How to prevent?

One easy step that can be done to prevent this is to periodically drip contact moisturizing liquid specifically when using contact lenses. Before going to bed, don't forget to release your contact lens first.

With good contact lens procedures and care, most problems when using contact lenses above can be avoided.

3 of the most frequently complained of problem users
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