4 Benefits of Copper (Copper) Plus Its Side Effects For Health


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Copper is a mineral needed by the body. This mineral can be obtained from various sources such as food or supplements. Copper substances can be found in all body tissues and play a role in red blood cells and maintain nerve cells and the immune system. Most of the copper in the body is found in the heart, brain, heart, kidneys, and skeletal muscles. To be clearer, the following review of the benefits of copper and also the risks if consumed in excess.

Benefits of copper for health

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The following are various benefits of copper for health which are important for you to know:

1. Play a role in producing collagen

Copper plays an important role in the production of collagen and elastin which are important for healthy tissue. Without sufficient copper intake, the body cannot repair and replace damaged connective tissue or collagen. This can cause errors in joint function due to insufficient collagen.

Quoted from Medical News Today, researchers have the notion that copper may have antioxidant properties that can help prevent skin aging.

2. Prevent osteoporosis

Copper can help prevent bone fragility that can cause osteoporosis. A study conducted on healthy women aged 45-56 years found quite interesting evidence. Women taking copper supplements as much as 3 milligrams per day did not show a decrease in bone mineral density. Conversely, women who were given placebo pills (empty pills, without any substance) actually experienced a considerable decrease in bone mineral density.

3. Maintain heart health

Quoted from Reader’s Digest, experts state that adequate copper intake helps keep cholesterol levels low, prevents arrhythmias (irregular heart rhythms), and prevents high blood pressure.

For that, fulfill your copper intake every day from food and supplements to keep your heart healthy and avoid dangerous diseases that can cause damage.

4. Maintain immunity

People who experience copper deficiency will experience a condition called neutropenia. Neutropenia is a condition when white blood cells or neutrophils decrease from the normal amount. Though white blood cells are very important in maintaining the immune system because it serves to fight infection. So, if you lack copper in your daily life, your body will be more susceptible to disease and other infections.

The risk of consuming copper excessively

Besides having health benefits, there are several risks that can also be caused by copper. You are prone to risk of copper poisoning if:

  • Taking copper supplements exceeds the recommended dosage.
  • Drink water with high copper content such as well water or water stored in copper pipes.
  • Exposure to chemicals containing high copper content.
  • Use of copper-based cooking tools.

When you experience copper poisoning, your body will show various symptoms such as:

  • Gag
  • Diarrhea
  • Jaundice
  • Muscle ache
  • Liver damage
  • Heart failure
  • Kidney failure

In addition, you can also experience a condition called Wilson's disease. This condition occurs when the liver is unable to remove excess copper. As a result, copper will accumulate in various organs such as the brain, heart and eyes. If left untreated, Wilson's disease can be life threatening and cause death.

4 Benefits of Copper (Copper) Plus Its Side Effects For Health
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