4 disorders that occur due to frequent rubbing of eyes


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Have you felt tired lately? If so, try to recall how many times have you rubbed your eyes? Feeling tired and tired really makes us want to rub my eyes. Or, it can be caused by an itchy eye, or feel something is coming into the eye.

Why do people rub their eyes?

Rubbing your eyes is actually something that is usually done when you wake up or feel sleepy. This habit may make you come back comfortable and relieve itching in the eyes. But did you know that rubbing your eyes can cause health problems that are bad for your eyes?

Actually rubbing your eyes is a way to stimulate tears out and then lubricate dry eyes. This of course will help the eyes to remove dust and other irritating substances that may enter the eyes. Not only that, the tears that come out are considered to reduce the sense of stress that is being experienced. Stress can be reduced as a result of pressing your area of ​​your eye, it will stimulate the vagus nerve - the nerves around your eyes - to slow your heart rate and help you relax again.

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What is the impact if we often rub our eyes?

1. Eye infection

One reason why rubbing your eyes is a bad activity is because the hands you use to rub, may be filled with bacteria and parasites that can cause eye infections.

The eye is protected by a slimy membrane, which serves to maintain the moisture of the eye at any time and place that is very favored by bacteria and parasites as their place of residence. When you do various activities, such as holding items, contacting animals or other people, and then not washing your hands, imagine what happens if the unwashed hands are then used to rub your eyes.

2. Black eye bags

Many think that black eye bags are caused by fatigue and lack of sleep. But actually that's not all that can cause you to have large, black eye bags. The habit of rubbing the eyes can also cause the eye sac to become increasingly black. Therefore, from now on, avoid the habit of rubbing your eyes so that your eye bags don't get bigger and black.

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3. Glaucoma

Glaucoma is a disease of the eye caused by damage to the nerves of the eye, and will get worse if not treated immediately. This nerve damage occurs due to an increase in pressure on the eye, which can also be caused by the habit of rubbing the eyes that are too hard and often.

Most people who suffer from glaucoma initially do not feel any symptoms or signs. So, often the sufferer comes with a high degree of glaucoma and results in his loss of vision, or even blindness.

4. The cornea changes shape

Keratoconus is a disorder that occurs in the cornea that changes shape. Normally, the cornea is shaped like a dome and sometimes changes to the shape of a ball. But in patients with keratoconus, the corneal cells are damaged and then cannot hold their shape and change like a cone because the cornea protrudes outward. This condition makes the sufferer difficult to see if not using a lens or glasses. Keratoconus can be caused by the habit of rubbing the eyes frequently.

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If you can't rub it, what should you do if your eyes are itchy?

Actually, rubbing your eyes is not recommended. Even rubbing your eyes because of itching due to eye irritation that is being experienced, will actually add to irritation to get worse. Your eyes will be more itchy, red, and sore.

Therefore, it is better if your eyes feel itchy, do the following things that are safer:

  • If the eyes feel itchy, then don't rub them but use eye drops.
  • If you rub your eyes because of stress, then what you have to overcome is your stress. Divert your attention by doing things that are fun and make yourself comfortable.
  • You can use wet tissue or a wet towel to wipe your eye area if your eyes feel itchy.
4 disorders that occur due to frequent rubbing of eyes
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