4 Health Benefits If You Eat Red Onions Often


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Almost all Indonesian food uses red onion as one of the ingredients of its cooking. Yes, red onion has become a basic ingredient that should not be in your kitchen storage. Not only is it important in the basic ingredients and makes food more rich in flavor, but red onion has health benefits. What are the benefits of this red onion?

What are the nutrients contained in shallots?

Before knowing what are the benefits, you must first know what nutrients are in onion. Here are the nutritional content:

  • Calories: has a low calorie content, 28 grams of onion only contains 11 calories
  • Macro nutrition: mostly consists of carbohydrates and water, while not containing fat at all.
  • Vitamins and minerals: high vitamin content is vitamin C and vitamin B6, while the types of minerals most contained are chromium.
  • Glycemic index: red onion is a food that has a low glycemic index level which is only 10.

Benefits of onion for health

This red onion has many health benefits. What are the benefits of onion?

1. Can prevent cancer

Shallot contains a substance called quercetin, a substance that makes dark red. According to the University of Maryland Medical Center, this quercetin is an antioxidant that plays an important role in overcoming the process of free radicals which are considered to be the cause of cancer. other than that antioxidants such as quercetin can inhibit the growth of cancer cells. A study conducted on animals showed that the quercetin substance in onions was able to prevent the growth of lung cancer cells, prostate cancer, ovarian cancer, colon cancer and endometrial cancer.

2. Lower blood pressure

In the journal Pharmacological Reports published in 2009, it was mentioned also that quercetin is quite high in red onion which can reduce high blood pressure. Someone who has high blood pressure is at risk for various degenerative diseases, such as coronary heart disease, stroke, kidney failure, and diabetes mellitus.

3. Helps normalize blood sugar levels

High blood sugar levels have been shown to cause diabetes mellitus. In fact, according to the Center for Disease Control Prevention, high blood sugar levels are a source of all degenerative diseases and chronic diseases.

In a study conducted in the Sudanese region, people with type 1 and type two diabetes mellitus who consumed raw onion proved to have a normal amount of blood sugar compared to those who did not. Another study, published in the Environmental Health Insight, also proved the same thing that red onion is able to reduce blood sugar levels.

The experts concluded that this type of onion is able to increase insulin levels and help the process of glycolysis in diabetics which causes a decrease in blood sugar levels.

4. Reduce = body cholesterol

A journal reported in Phytotherapy Research states that red onion is useful for lowering cholesterol levels in the blood. Studies carried out on these animals show that a diet containing lots of onions can reduce total cholesterol levels in the body.

Experts believe the reduction in cholesterol caused by the content of antioxidants and other bioactive substances in the onion that can reduce the amount of total fat in the body directly.

4 Health Benefits If You Eat Red Onions Often
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