4 Types of Sports for Right and Safe COPD


Medical Video: Breathing Exercises for Relaxation or COPD - Ask Doctor Jo

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease or commonly abbreviated as COPD is a disease that attacks the lungs and causes lung tissue damage. This disease usually makes people who have it experience difficulty in breathing and easy fatigue. These two reasons then make sports for COPD impossible.

How can I exercise if I have difficulty breathing? I will also be easily exhausted. More or less, those two sentences might be common in people with COPD who have to undergo exercise. In fact, the right type of exercise for COPD can help in creating a healthy lifestyle. No need for complicated sports, understanding the basics is enough for you.

Sports and COPD are two words that are often feared by many COPD patients. Shortness of breath, weakness, and lack of energy are often associated with fear. However, learning the basics of exercise when you suffer from COPD will be very helpful in your efforts to lead a healthier lifestyle. Here is why exercise can make you feel better and some of the best sports for COPD patients.

What is the best exercise for COPD?

1. Respiratory training

The main problem in people who have chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is breathing. That's why doing breathing exercises is important. By doing breathing exercises, your main breathing muscle, the diaphragm will become stronger.

You can do breathing exercises in an easy way and don't need any tools. You can do it yourself at home. To practice exercise for this one COPD, you can start by lying down while bending your knees. You can also sit in a fairly low chair.

After lying down or sitting down, place one hand on the chest and the other under your rib cage. Inhale slowly through your nose until your stomach moves and moves your one hand.

When you have breathed, throw it through your mouth. Shape your lips like someone who wants to whistle so you can exhale slowly. When exhaling, don't forget to tighten your stomach.

Don't forget to make sure that your hands placed on the chest do not move. Do this for 5-10 minutes three to four times a day. When doing it regularly, you will soon get used to this way of breathing.

2. Tai Chi

This exercise for COPD is an ancient Chinese sport consisting of gentle and flowing movements. Looking at the type of movement, Tai Chi is the best type of exercise for COPD. Not only for COPD, this sport is well known for those who have itheart disease. This one sport also helps to tighten the muscles.

Stress and anxiety is one of the effects that may occur in COPD patients. This disease is a deadly disease, it's natural for people with COPD to feel fear. Besides being good for training the lungs, practicing Tai Chi is useful for preventing depression. Practicing Tai Chi can reduce stress and relax you.

Breathe slowly during exercise. Inhale through your nose with your mouth closed. Doing so can warm and filter the air. Dispose of breath through your mouth two times longer than when you breathe in. Don't breathe with gasping or gasping because this will get rid of all the air in your lungs.

If your breath is fast or short, stop and take a break. Rest your body first. Inhale through your nose and exhale slowly through your pursed lips.

3. Walk

Although having COPD, it does not mean that there is no type of exercise that can be done so that the body remains fit. Walking is the most appropriate exercise for COPD, especially if you have just started an exercise program. Besides being easy, you can do this type of sport anywhere. Can be treadmill, can be around your house, or even at the mall.

Preferably, do not do it directly for long periods of time or long distances. Add the distance and intensity of the training time gradually so you avoid the risk of severe fatigue. You can add 30 seconds or 9 meters every day.

You don't need to do this one sport in a hurry. Walking slowly too can still have a good impact on your body. If you just want to run a sports program again after all this time, it's a good idea to consult with your doctor first to get sports recommendations for the right COPD.

4. Stretching

Before entering the main sports menu, it's a good idea to do a light stretch before exercising, counting the heat. However, don't forget to stretch in the cooling phase because this is no less important.

One of the stretching movements you can do after before and after exercise is to put your hands on the wall at shoulder level as if you want to push the wall. Place your right foot in front, and slowly bend your knees until you feel a pull in the thigh muscle. Hold this movement for 10-30 seconds and do the same for the other leg. Repeat this movement up to three to five times on each leg before and after exercise.

Exercise for COPD can help the patient's body get oxygen and make better use of it. Physical activity can also improve your overall quality of life by helping to maintain weight, gain more energy, and feel stronger. By doing it routinely, deteriorating COPD conditions are expected to be controlled and avoided.

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4 Types of Sports for Right and Safe COPD
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