5 Best Ways to Generate Appetite Cancer Patients


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Loss of appetite is sometimes one of the side effects of cancer chemotherapy. Because during the chemo process, drugs are used to kill cancer cells while breaking down the cells of the digestive organs so that the function of digestion and absorption of food is disturbed. Chemotherapy also causes fatigue and anemia, which makes cancer patients more reluctant to eat food. Relax, there are various easy ways you can do as a appetite enhancer for cancer patients. Contek below, let's! 

Various things that could be appetite enhancers for cancer patients

Eating a variety of foods is an easy way to get all the nutrients your body needs to recover quickly. But first know what can and should not be served for cancer patients. Healthy foods high in protein and complex carbohydrates are two key intake in the diet of cancer patients. While also avoiding it junk foodfruit or vegetables that contain pesticides and fatty foods.

Once you understand how to present a healthy diet, you can only find out tips and tricks on appetite enhancer for cancer patients, such as the following:

1. Make small portions of food

For people who are sick, eating three times a day can be heavy. For that, try serving a large meal menu in smaller portions. For 6 meals throughout the day, for example.But you still have to fulfill the adequacy of nutrition in one small plate. For simplicity, you can slip protein powder drinks, yogurt, or candied fruit between meals to increase the calorie intake of cancer patients.

2. Add flavoring spices

The food of sick people does not only have chicken porridge and oatmeal that tastes flat. But don't add too much salt or MSG to the cooking. Better, add garlic, shallots, leeks, turmeric, cumin, curry, ginger, cinnamon, red or green pepper to add flavor to the cuisine.

3. Serve the food beautifully and unique

Beautifying the appearance of the food as creatively as possible, be it by arranging the colors of the side dishes or adding the garnish to the dinner plate, you can make a trick to increase appetite for cancer patients.

For young patients, make colorful ice cream or popsicles from fruits. As for patients who are adults, serve foods with ornaments such as salads or fruit around the side dishes.

4. Invite to exercise

Next, you can invite or make cancer patients do physical activities to arouse appetite to increase. At least with relaxing activities such as morning walks in the home environment, folding clothes, or even preparing and cooking food to be eaten. If you want to exercise, consult your doctor first about the type of exercise and how heavy the cancer patient should exercise depends on his condition.

5. Make mealtime fun

Some tasteful people eat if meal times are as enjoyable as possible. Eating with family members while enjoying time together can also make mealtime enjoyable.

Every now and then, try combining meal times or watching food-themed TV shows. It is recommended that you not mention anything about the cancer that the patient has suffered, change and raise the topic of conversation that can arouse the patient's appetite.

5 Best Ways to Generate Appetite Cancer Patients
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