5 Healthy Life Habits That Need to Be Hered by People With Hepatitis C


Medical Video: Life Lessons From 100-Year-Olds

Hepatitis C is the most severe type of liver infection when compared to other types of hepatitis. This condition usually will not cause symptoms until the infection is in the chronic stage. You really need doctor's care so that your body's health is maintained. In addition to getting a doctor's care, hepatitis C sufferers also need to apply a series of healthy living habits to manage their illness.

Healthy lifestyle that needs to be applied to hepatitis C sufferers

Food for people with hepatitis c

Here are some healthy habits that you need to apply in your daily life when diagnosed with hepatitis C:

Enough rest

One of the side effects of hepatitis C treatment is fatigue. Therefore, you are encouraged to reduce activities and take more time to rest. Take a break every time you feel tired and do not force yourself to continue to move.

If it continues to be forced, the body will be burdened so that the immune system decreases. As a result you will be easily exhausted and difficult to carry out various productive activities every day.

Start eating healthy food

Don't eat unhealthy foods that can worsen your health condition. Try to apply a balanced, nutritious diet by consuming a combination of carbohydrates, proteins and healthy fats. In addition, don't forget to complete it with vitamins and minerals from fresh vegetables and fruits.

You can also add a BRAT diet to your diet. BRAT stands for Banana (banana), Rice (rice), Applesauce (apple sauce, which is mashed apples but not juice), Toast (toast bread).

Avoid eating foods high in salt and animal protein because they can damage the liver. Especially if you have been exposed to cirrhosis or liver damage. Your liver aka liver is no longer able to work optimally to filter out the excess urea produced by these two types of food.

Urea levels that accumulate too much in the body will cause chronic fatigue, to coma and even death.

Avoid eating spicy foods

People with hepatitis C usually have a more sensitive digestion. Therefore, eating foods that are too spicy can trigger nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. Therefore, try to avoid eating this type of food during treatment.

Exercise regularly

Not only in healthy people, exercise will be very beneficial for sick people, including if you have hepatitis C. Maintaining a healthy weight by exercising regularly helps you avoid complications of liver disease such as diabetes and heart disease.

In addition, exercise has also been shown to improve mood and reduce stress as a result of continuing to think of chronic diseases that are being had.

No need to do strenuous exercise for a long time, you only need to walk for 30 minutes leisurely a day to keep your body healthy and fit despite having hepatitis C.

Do not drink alcoholic beverages

Alcohol can make your heart's condition more quickly damaged, especially in people with hepatitis C. Alcohol can cause inflammation and fatty liver.

Therefore, if you have been diagnosed with hepatitis C you should stop the habit of drinking alcohol. Because, drinking alcohol when you have hepatitis C will only worsen the condition of your liver that has been damaged by chronic infection.

5 Healthy Life Habits That Need to Be Hered by People With Hepatitis C
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