5 Most Vulnerable Health Problems Attacking Millennials


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The name of the disease can attack indiscriminately. But there are some diseases that specifically "target" themselves to certain groups of people. Take for example the health problems of women in their 20s who are different from men's health problems in the same age range. Not to mention special health problems in elderly people. Today's millennial children are also apparently not spared from the variety of diseases. Anything?

Health problems that are most vulnerable to attack the millennial generation

Not that other people besides millennial children cannot or are more immune from some of these diseases, but according to many millennial children health experts are more prone to experience it for several reasons.

It is undeniable that most, if not all, young generation children tend to be "mager" or lazy to move and can spend hours in front of a computer screen, so they rarely do physical activity. Also supported by an unhealthy lifestyle such as sleeping late at night, consuming a lot junk food, and are lazy to exercise which makes the millennial generation at high risk for experiencing various health problems.

Here's a list of health problems that may be faced by teenage millennials without realizing it

1. Stroke

Most people might think if a stroke is a disease that only afflicts parents, but in fact it isn't. Because, based on research published in JAMA Neurology, the researchers found that hospitalized patients caused by acute ischemic stroke in young men and women aged 18 to 34 years increased by 50 percent from 2003 to 2012. Ischemic stroke occurs as the result of a blocked blood vessel that supplies blood to the brain.

The causes of stroke at a younger age are more diverse and relatively rare compared to older people. Most strokes in older adults are due to atherosclerosis, or fat and calcium deposits in the arteries which cause blockages in blood vessels. Whereas among young people, the causes range from problems with congenital heart disease, arrhythmia, trauma, sickle cell anemia, smoking, and migraines. Not only that, the use of illegal drugs such as meth and cocaine also play a role in improving this condition. Reduced physical activity or frequent eating junk food can also increase the occurrence of the process of strokes faster, which usually occurs in stroke with older age.

2. Obesity

In addition to strokes, obesity is also the most vulnerable health problem experienced by millennial children and even the entire modern society. If not treated immediately, this condition will trigger various deadly chronic diseases.

Basically, obesity is a complex problem, which is not only triggered by dietary factors, but also the environment. In addition to making your appearance less attractive, there are various threatening diseases behind it, call it diabetes mellitus, stroke, and the most frightening is a heart attack.

3. Heart disease

Heart attack is one disease that is often identified with parents. But, make no mistake! The reason is, it does not rule out the possibility if this one disease can threaten the younger generation who are still incessantly creating and expressing themselves. Changes in lifestyle, both diet, physical activity, and stress levels are the main causes of obesity that carry deadly heart attacks.

4. Type 2 diabetes

Based on research, increasing cases of obesity in fact also contribute to the increasing number of cases of type 2 diabetes in children. This finding is certainly quite surprising because obesity and diabetes are increasing in number among teenagers. In fact, before type 2 diabetes was known to infect more people over the age of 45 years.

Before the 1990s, type 2 diabetes was rarely found in children. But because more and more children and adolescents are getting fatter, the number of diabetes cases is beginning to increase. Until now, type 2 diabetes has continued to increase at an alarming rate. This also happened in Indonesia. Based on data from the Endocrinology Coordination Unit (UKK) of the Indonesian Pediatrician Association (IDAI), said at least 731 children and adolescents under the age of 20 suffered from diabetes mellitus in 2012. This number increased from the total 590 children and adolescents in 2011.

If type 1 diabetes is triggered by the inability of body organs to produce insulin, type 2 diabetes is more triggered by lifestyle. A diet with excessive calorie content without being balanced with appropriate physical activity, is one of the main causes of type 2 diabetes, especially in young patients. If diabetes that may be experienced by adolescents is not controlled, this can increase the risk of serious health problems such as heart disease, loss of vision, nerve disorders, amputation and kidney failure.

5. Mental illness

Quoted from the Huffington Post, basically, the millennial generation holds potential health threats related to their lifestyle. The threat is in the form of physical and mental health. Those born between 1980-2000, tend to be easier to experience problems with their mental health than the previous generation. The main cause of this condition is because the influence of millennial lifestyles is growing rapidly in line with technological developments, social media, and the surrounding environment. So, don't be surprised if millennial teenagers are generally most susceptible to anxiety disorders and even depression.

5 Most Vulnerable Health Problems Attacking Millennials
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