5 Quick Ways to Eliminate Sprue in Tongue (With Medication and Natural)


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Thrush on the tongue can feel so painful and disturbing. Eating or talking becomes difficult. However, you do not need to worry because usually canker sores will disappear on their own within one to two weeks. To speed up the healing process of thrush on the tongue, there are various ways that you can take. Starting from drugs and ointments from pharmacies to natural medicines in your kitchen. Here are five ways to quickly get rid of stubborn canker sores.

1. Corticosteroid drugs for canker sores on the tongue

Thrush on the tongue usually appears on the edge or behind the tongue. This inflammation certainly makes it difficult for you to chew or talk. In addition, canker sores on the tongue also feel painful. So, you can use corticosteroid drugs that can fight inflammation and relieve pain. Usually corticosteroid drugs for canker sores are available in the form of mouth ointments, mouthwashes, or oral medications.

2. Rinse salt water

Kitchen salt can be your savior when canker sores appear on the tongue. To treat canker sores on the tongue, mix one half teaspoon of salt in warm water until it dissolves. Gargle your mouth, especially the part of the mouth that is thrush, with the salt water for 1-2 minutes.

You can gargle salt water several times a day until canker sores shrink or disappear. If the solution is painful, add warm water. Make sure you throw salt water after gargling, don't swallow.

3. Aloe vera

Just one canker sores can make your entire mouth feel uncomfortable and hot. For that, prepare the original Aloe vera leaves and wash them thoroughly. Then, apply the gum or aloe vera meat to taste directly on your thrush. Leave it for several hours and repeat two to three times a day. Aloe vera is effective for removing canker sores on the tongue because of its function as a natural anti-inflammatory and pain reliever.

4. Ice cubes

Within a few days, canker sores on the tongue can swell and feel painful. In order for thrush to quickly collapse and heal, you can compress the tongue with ice cubes wrapped in a soft cloth. If it is difficult, use the ice cube on the part of the mouth that is thrush until it completely melts in the mouth.

5. Tea bags

Tea leaves can fight infections and inflammation that causes canker sores. In addition, tea also contains alkalis which can neutralize acid in the mouth which can make canker sores feel sore.

So, don't throw away the teabag after brewing it. Compress canker sores on your tongue with a tea bag that has been brewed for about 5 minutes. Repeat several times a day until the canker sores subside.

5 Quick Ways to Eliminate Sprue in Tongue (With Medication and Natural)
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