6 Mistakes When Running That Must Be Avoided


Medical Video: Worst Things to do Before a Run | 4 Common Mistakes

To achieve optimal health benefits from regular running, there are many things that you should pay attention to. As much as possible avoid six errors when running the following.

What are the mistakes when running that need to be avoided?

1. Preparation that is not mature

Many people think that if you want to run, you can just run without thinking twice. This can trigger injury in the long run. Pre-run heating is important. Skipping a warm up can cause stomach or muscle tension in the first few times since starting to run, and this will reduce motivation. Both your muscles and your bloodstream need heating to function properly, especially if you are going to run for more than an hour.

2. Start too fast

Some people start casually, while others run as fast as lightning like Usain Bolt. This is the most common running error. Your muscles, even though they have been warmed up, still need time to adjust to running speed. Sudden extreme movements will cause injury.

3. Don't drink

Insufficient fluid intake before, during, and after running is a runaway error that is common among runners. If you plan to run more than 30 minutes, then water is needed to prevent dehydration. Some people think that taking a drink while running will cause stomach ache or just waste time, but dehydration is a bigger problem. Large amounts of fluid loss over a long period of time cause dizziness or even fainting.

4. Poor diet

Hunger after running is natural because the body drains so much energy continuously. But do not be blinded by lust. Ignoring what you eat is a bad decision. This will cancel all the good things that you have done for your body, and make it useless. Excessive calorie intake will actually make it difficult for you to maintain your body's endurance and your running rhythm in the future.

5. Lack of sleep

Most people today don't get enough sleep, and this is bad enough, but runners really need enough sleep. They may be able to overcome sleep deprivation better than normal people because they are healthier, but being a runner means you are demanding your body to do more. During sleep, the body produces growth hormones that help in the recovery process. Try to monitor your bedtime routine and stick to it because this will make you a better runner.

6. Ignoring pain

A little stiffness after running is a natural thing, especially if this is your first time to try it. But don't ignore the pain that lasts for more than 3 days. Anything can happen if you ignore a minor injury thinking that compressing ice or taking ibuprofen alone can treat a prolonged injury - not to mention forcing yourself to endure the pain. This will certainly make your condition worse. Pain is a warning that something is wrong with your body and taking a break from running is the safest solution.

Although there are still many more mistakes when running apart from those mentioned above, paying attention to what habits you have now is the first step to making major changes. If you do the right thing, then you will be ready to run.

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6 Mistakes When Running That Must Be Avoided
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