7 Common Feet Problems Occur With Increasing Age


Medical Video: 9 Foot Problems Your Feet Reveal About Your Health

The more age increases, the body will be more susceptible to disease. Foot disease is a health problem that many parents and the elderly complain about. Because, the legs also experience the aging process like other body parts. So, what are the problems and diseases of the foot that often attack the elderly and the elderly? Consider the following review.

Various foot problems and diseases are common in the elderly

As we get older, the body is no longer able to produce collagen in large quantities. In fact, collagen is a special protein that is responsible for maintaining the elasticity and elasticity of the skin and preventing bone loss. Collagen also functions to maintain the health of your joints. Body fat levels also decrease as you get older.

These various aging processes then cause various problems and diseases in the foot.

1. The skin of the soles of the feet is dry and cracked

Decreasing fat and collagen levels as you age makes the fat layer under the skin of the foot thinner.As a result, the soles of the feet must work more extra when holding the body weight. Without fat pads on the soles of your feet, you can more easily get sick after a day of activities.

Thisover time it also causes the skin of the sole of the foot to become dry and easily broken, it also often feels itchy or feels hot like burning.This constant pressure on the soles of the feet further causes calluses.

2. Seborrheic keratosis

One common skin problem in adults is seborrheic keratosis. Seborrheic keratosis is the appearance of a lesion or lump with a darker color than the surrounding skin. This lesion is classified as benign so it does not require special medical treatment, although it tends to make the skin feel itchy.

To watch out for, the characteristics of seborrheic keratosis are almost the same as melanoma skin cancer. If a skin lesion changes color, size, or shape, immediately consult a doctor to prevent possible development of the disease.

3. Stucco keratosis

Stucco keratosis is one of the common foot ailments experienced by the elderly, especially on the back and ankles. Stucco keratosis looks like a plaster surface with a color that resembles skin or brighter. This problem can be treated with exfoliation or prescription skin creams.

4. Nail thickens

Older nails are prone to thickening and hardening, but are more brittle. This happens because the more you get older, the nail growth will slow down. Slow-growing nails can also be affected by hormonal changes

Thickening of the toes can also be caused by other health problems, such as hypothyroidism, peripheral arterial disease (PAD), obstructed oxygen circulation in the body, and fungal infections of the toenails.

5. Change in shape and size of feet

Maybe this is not much realized, but changes in the shape and size of feet are common as an effect of aging. The foot size will usually increase by half a centimeter or even more. So, no wonder if the size of the shoes will also change with age.

Changes in the shape and size of the feet occur because the condition of the body's ligaments and tendons stops developing in old age.As a result, the arch of the foot tends to decrease so that the sole of the foot is flat, but the length of the foot actually increases. Pchanges in tendons and ligaments can also increase the risk of injury, such as tendonitis, torn tendons, or muscle tension.

6. Arthritis (arthritis)

Arthritis or arthritis is a common joint disease known as the effects of aging. Osteoarthritis occurs as an accumulation of various stresses on the joints that have been occurring for years, usually attacking the big toe and foot.

Symptoms of arthritis in the joints of the toes can trigger other foot diseases such as gout, hammertoes, and bunion. Hammertoes are defects or damage to the joints closest to the thumb, while a bunion is a condition when the bone protrudes along the edge of the foot, especially on the outer side of the big toe.

7. Swollen legs

The feet are prone to swelling the more you age. The cause is not known with certainty, especially if it is not related to injury. However, swollen legs are thought to be caused by a vein problem in the legs and other limbs simultaneously.

If this swelling occurs in two parts of the foot, it could be due to the presence of cardiovascular disease, consumption of certain drugs, and hormonal changes.

7 Common Feet Problems Occur With Increasing Age
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