7 Guide to Care and Recovery After Broken Legs


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The recovery process due to fractures does require different times. Sometimes it can only be in weeks or even months depending on the type, location, and severity of the broken bone. Here are some tips for recovery and treatment after a foot fracture:

1. Diligently check with your doctor

The aim of the recovery process is to minimize pain and restore foot function postoperatively. The recovery phase will generally take a long time and is quite challenging depending on the type of leg fracture experienced. After surgery, diligently consult a doctor regarding the best strategies to speed up the recovery process and according to the care you need.

2. Minimizing pain

Common signs of broken legs are the appearance of pain, pain, bruising and swelling. You can minimize these signs by doing simple methods such as lying down, compressing your feet with ice cubes, and making your feet higher for a minimum of two days. Ask your doctor what medicines are best taken to relieve pain, such as ibuprofen or naproxen. In fact, it is not uncommon for those who have complex fractures it is very possible to use drugs and other actions.

3. Using a support device

Doctors generally recommend not using full leg strength to support weight in a few weeks or even months during the process of bone recovery. Therefore, when experiencing a fracture, many people are encouraged to use a body support device such as crutches (has 1 foot) - or walker (has 4 feet) that will help you during the recovery process.

Some types of broken legs can also be cured by the method weight bearing or pweight loss - that is, the amount of a patient's burden placed on the legs shaped like iron boots to provide stability when walking.

4. Don't move a lot

Some leg fractures that are not severe do require a short amount of time in the healing process so that you can move again. But when experiencing a severe fracture such as the thigh bone (femur), the action taken is traction (withdrawal), complete rest, or surgery.

Of the two cases, the point is you must do all activities slowly. Do not do too much movement because it will cause new problems that are getting worse, for example a broken bone can move position. If your feet start to hurt or swell, it's a sign that you should rest. Ask your doctor when the time is safe for daily activities.

5. Do physical therapy

Your doctor may recommend exercise therapeutic or physical therapy to help the recovery process. If you have a simple fracture, the doctor recommends exercises that you can do at home. But in other cases, you should do therapy with a physical therapist.

Initially the therapy process will indeed be painful, but when it is routinely done you are able to control the pain caused by the process of therapy. Exercise physical therapists usually perform various movements such as stretching and strength training.

6. Pay attention if there are unusual symptoms

It's important to pay attention to possible complications of your feet during the recovery process. Contact your doctor right away if you have a fever, discoloration in the legs, numbness, tingling, excessive swelling or pain, because this can be a sign of complications.

Arthitis and other chronic diseases are long-term illnesses that can arise after experiencing a leg fracture. Talk to your doctor if you experience prolonged symptoms or often relapse after a broken leg.

7. Prevent injury

Being careful is a key to penalizing injuries. For example, wearing protective sports equipment, and using a seat belt or helmet when riding, avoiding puddles on the floor so as not to slip, or other things that allow you to fall.

You may need to do exercises that vary every day in an effort to reduce stress on the bones. In addition, don't forget to pay attention to adequate nutritional intake such as calcium and vitamin D for bone strength.

When a broken leg has recovered

A successful recovery of a broken leg is when the foot can function properly without pain. Even so, there are some broken leg sufferers who cannot return to normal after an injury.

The thing that must be kept in mind is to start things slowly, like not pushing your feet to do heavy activities. Routinely consult a doctor to see the post-development progress.

7 Guide to Care and Recovery After Broken Legs
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