7 Signs You Wear Shoes That Are Wrong


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Wrong shoes can have a negative impact on health, especially foot health. Many people who do not realize that using the wrong shoes can harm themselves. Trivial problems such as using shoes that are too right for the feet, buying shoes in the morning, etc. can prove fatal, such as the release of nails. How did it happen? Let's look at various signs that you turned out to be wearing the wrong shoes.

How do you know if you wear the wrong shoes?

1. You wear the same shoes since high school

Over time, the arch of your foot will gradually become more straight, causing your feet to widen. According to Katherine Dux, DPM, a podiatrist, a person's feet will increase with age. At least, once a year, measure your feet at your local shoe store.

2. Toes bend at the tip of the shoe

There must be a little space between your feet and the tip of the shoe. And make sure you can shake your toes in the shoes. Keep in mind that your feet are getting bigger all day, for example if the shoes fit in the morning, over time it becomes rather narrow at night. So buy shoes when the feet are in the largest size.

3. Your feet are sore

If your shoes are too large, or if the shoes are not enough to support your feet, the muscles of the lower part of the foot will harden as the foot moves in an effort to keep the arch of the foot up. This can cause back injury to excess, such as plantar fasciitis, where the plantar fascial tendon that runs along the bottom of the foot, from the foot to the heel, is chronically inflamed.

4. You have a pressure fracture

This small fracture can happen to anyone, but this is sometimes also associated with the wrong shoes. Some people have problems with the heel, and some in the front legs. For those who suppress the heel, the wrong shoes do not offer enough cushion to absorb shock, which can cause pressure fractures, joint inflammation, and other injuries.

5. You experience tendonitis

Inflamed tendons can occur in several places in the foot, but the most common are the inside of the ankle or on the outer edge of the foot. The first case is caused by the toes rolling inward, while the second is caused by the soles of the feet which provide too much support.

6. Your shoe soles are thin

If you can feel the sidewalk or the road from the shoes you are wearing, that means you wear shoes that no longer provide enough support. If you use shoes as far as 16 km per week, then you have to change your shoes every 9-12 months. If you use it twice as much as that distance, then you have to replace it about 4-6 months. Other signs that your shoes need to be replaced are when the shoes are wrinkled, or when the edge of the shoe has widened when you place it on a flat surface.

7. You have loose toenails or bruises

If the tip of the shoe is too small, you will put a lot of pressure on your toes and can cause your nails to blacken, even to loose. To prevent this, you must provide more space between your longest fingertip and the front of the shoe. So, don't be afraid to increase the size of your shoes.

Six tips for buying a good pair of shoes

When you realize that you are wearing the wrong shoes, then replace your shoes with the following tips before buying them:

  1. Wear the type of socks that you often use when you buy new shoes. Thick and thin socks can affect the shoe's suit more than you think.
  2. The width of the shoe is as important as the length, so always make sure that the shoes are suitable in all directions.
  3. Buy shoes at night when your feet are enlarged.
  4. If you like a pair of shoes that are a little too big, try adding insole.
  5. If you have the size of both feet differently, then choose the biggest foot size to choose shoes.
  6. If you are not sure of the suitability of a particular brand of shoes when buying online, don't be afraid to buy two and plan to send one back. At this point, shoe companies almost always calculate more costs, so returns are usually free.



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7 Signs You Wear Shoes That Are Wrong
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