8 Alternative Ways Besides Hypertensive Drugs That Can Help Maintain Blood Pressure


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Hypertension or high blood pressure is a chronic health problem that is a contributing factor to various heart diseases. In fact, from the data from the World Health Organization it is known that there were as many as 9.4 million people died due to complications of hypertension. Yes, indeed if you have once been declared to have high blood pressure, you cannot escape from this health disorder and even have to continue taking hypertension medication.

Even so, you can still live a healthy, normal, and happy life by controlling high blood pressure. Not only hypertension drugs from doctors, there are various other ways you can do to keep blood pressure normal. Anything?

Alternative hypertension medication that can help maintain blood pressure

1. Meditation

the benefits of meditation

Meditation is a fairly effective way to reduce stress levels to help keep blood pressure normal. This has even been proven in a study published in the American Society of Hypertension.

In the study it was known that 20 minutes of transcendental meditation sessions conducted at least 2 times a day, turned out to reduce blood pressure up to 3 mmHg.

Actually, there are many types of meditation that you can try on your own or with the help of a therapist. Each of these meditations has different benefits for health, but all of them can help reduce stress levels which have been the cause of high blood pressure.

2. Yoga

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Well, if you are looking for hypertension drugs while being able to keep your body fit, yoga can be the solution. Apart from being good for posture and making the body fit, in fact this sport has been shown to maintain normal blood pressure.

However, before taking a yoga class or doing various movements at home, make sure you have consulted a doctor first. Because, there are several yoga movements that are not recommended for certain health conditions.

3. Progressive muscle relaxation (PMR)

Lay down or just sit in the chair calmly for a few minutes. You can start from the facial muscles first and then finally to the leg muscles. Make the body muscles tighten and then release them. Do this several times until all of your muscles are affected.

This method can be done in the office or at home and is best done for 15-20 minutes, in 2 sessions per day.

4. breathing exercises

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A study reported in the Journal of Hypertension states that good breathing can reduce a person's blood pressure.

If you regulate breathing well, slowly, and regularly, the body will automatically feel more relaxed and calm.

Because, as long as it happens the hormones that regulate the mood will be produced more, so you will feel much more comfortable and blood pressure will decrease.

Again, this is an easy way to lower blood pressure. Because, you can do it anywhere and anytime.

5. Music therapy

music therapy for health

Music therapy as an alternative medicine for reducing blood pressure is indeed true. This has been proven in several studies, one of which is research from the University of Florence, Italy.

In the study, it was found that groups of people who listened to classical music in a week had a drop in blood pressure of up to 3 mmHg.

Experts believe that music that has a soft tone, can make the body relax and reduce cortisol levels, namely hormones can make blood pressure soar.

6. Qigong

Maybe this one alternative method still sounds strange to your ears. However, qigong has actually become an alternative medicine in China thousands of years ago.

A study reported in Medicine journal states that doing qigong together with taking hypertension drugs is proven to make blood pressure better controlled.

Although it sounds foreign, there are now many therapeutic sites that provide alternative qigong treatments. However, before you choose a place of therapy, make sure if the therapist who does the treatment is a professional person and has a certificate.

7. Biofeedback

In addition to hypertension medication given by a doctor, you can also try biofeedback therapy which is considered to control blood pressure.This therapy is usually not only recommended for hypertensive people, but also for people with chronic pain, urinary incontinence and migraines.

Biotherapy must be done by a professional person because it uses a special sensor device to measure and monitor the tension of the muscles of the body. From this examination the therapist will know which body parts are tense and then help you to relax.

8. Supplements and herbs

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Herbal hypertension drugs can also be an alternative way of controlling blood pressure so it doesn't soar. At present, there are many herbal medicines that are proven to help maintain blood pressure, such as coenzyme Q10, fatty fish supplements, to supplements containing L-arginine.

Indeed, the research for herbal hypertension drugs is still very limited and needs further evidence. So, before you take a supplement or herbal medicine, you should consult a doctor first.

The reason is, there might be an interaction between hypertension drugs and herbal medicines that you consume, which can cause adverse side effects.

In addition to all these methods, applying a healthy lifestyle is also important to do to prevent complications of hypertension.

8 Alternative Ways Besides Hypertensive Drugs That Can Help Maintain Blood Pressure
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