Characteristics of Your Ears Clogged with Dirt and How to Clean It


Medical Video: Ear & Sinus Problems : How to Remove Ear Wax at Home

For those of you who rarely clean your ears, you run the risk of getting cerumen impact. This condition, usually caused by a buildup of dirt that clogs your ear canal. What causes the condition of cerumen impaction in the ear? How can cerumen impaction be treated?

What is serumen?

Earwax or also called serumen, is produced by the body to protect the ear. This wax or earwax looks like a yellow liquid wax and the texture is sticky. Well, the dirt in this ear canal is made of the serum mucosa in the ear canal.

The serum itself has a function to coat the ear canal skin and protect the ear from damage and infection. Under certain conditions, these cerumen can clot and harden to form a cerumen blockage or become an infection.

What is cerumen impaction (blockage of earwax)?

Under certain conditions, cerumen can cause blockage of the ear canal which can lead to hearing loss or can also be called cerumen impaction. This kind of blockage can sometimes also cause a feeling of pressure in the ear, a decrease in the ability to hear, and a sense of buzzing.

The decrease in ability in cerumen impact cases is usually caused by sound vibrations that cannot reach the eardrum due to cerumen blockage, hence the impaction of the cerumen.

Symptoms and characteristics of your ears are blocked

  • There is a buzz in the ear
  • Ear pain
  • Hearing difficulties, which may continue to worsen
  • Ringing in the ear (tinnitus)
  • Itching in the ear
  • Smell comes from the ear
  • Headache

Too often cleaning the ears can actually cause blockages

Your sense of hearing can also be infected in other ways, one of which is because you clean your ears too often with a cotton bud. Ears that are often cleaned and scraped too deep can make the remaining serumen pushed deeper into the room. Cerumen or earwax that gets into the inside will accumulate in the ear canal, form clots and eventually harden.

The hardened lumps of earwax are made little by little and will become many, many people are not aware of this. Clots of earwax, usually only known after causing a disturbing impact in the form of a disturbance or complaint to your ears.

Actually, cleaning your ears is good, don't do it often, considering that your ears can clean themselves. You can clean just once, and clean only the outer ear canal. Without scraping and cleaning with any tools, for example with cotton buds, earwax can come out on its own.

How to clean the earwax that is clogging

When you experience a disorder caused by cerumen, the doctor or expert will usually take several actions to deal with the impact on the ear. Here are some common methods or methods:

  • Cleaning the ear canal using a serumen hook (cerumen hook) or serumen spoons (cerumen spoon) Usually done if earwax has hardened
  • Earwax is taken by irrigation techniques, usually for soft cerumen and attached to the eardrum. Usually performed on deep and soft cerumen or cerumen attached to the eardrum
  • Serumen is taken using a suction device
  • The ears are dripped by cerumen softening fluid. Then, softened wax will be taken or removed using a serum spoon.
Characteristics of Your Ears Clogged with Dirt and How to Clean It
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