8 Herbal Medicines to Improve the Quality of Life of HIV Patients


Medical Video: Medical Animation: HIV and AIDS

In fact, in 2015 it was found that there were 36.7 million people in the world experiencing HIV / AIDS. While in Indonesia alone, there are approximately 23 thousand people diagnosed with HIV / AIDS. Although more and more people are experiencing HIV / AIDS, but until now there has not been a drug that can cure the disease. Therefore, the thing that can be done is to reduce the symptoms that appear in patients so that they live more comfortably. The following are herbs for HIV that can help PLWHA to overcome health symptoms that may arise.

Various kinds of herbal medicines for HIV and AIDS

1. Aloe vera

This plant is useful for dealing with constipation which is often a symptom of HIV / AIDS. This plant can be used by taking the extract. Boil the aloe and then drink the cooking water. However, immediately stop taking it if you experience diarrhea.

2. Basil leaves

The leaves are almost similar to basil leaves can be used to relieve nausea and help facilitate digestion. In addition, basil leaves also play a role in healing wounds in the mouth. You can add slices of basil leaves to your diet when symptoms of nausea and abdominal pain appear. For wounds in the mouth, basil leaves can be boiled and the extract used as a mouthwash.

3. Calendula flowers

Usually in Indonesia it is famous as an ornamental plant. This type of flower can be used by PLWHA as wound healing and anti-bacterial drugs. in treating wounds, calendula is used as material to compress injured parts of the body. Whereas if the patient has an infection occurring in the digestive tract, the head of the calendula flower can be used as tea to overcome these symptoms.

4. Cardamom

Cardamom is a spice that is often used as a spice from Indonesian cuisine. This herbal medicine for HIV can help PLWHA overcome digestive problems, symptoms of nausea and vomiting, and increase appetite. It is not difficult to use cardamom as an herbal remedy for HIV, it can be used as tea or simply by mixing it as a seasoning.

5. Cinnamon

Cinnamon orcinnamon useful for relieving symptoms of flu, diarrhea, and nausea. Not only that herbs for HIV can be relied upon to increase appetite and stimulate intestinal movements. Cinnamon can be processed into tea or mixed into cooking.

6. Cloves

Cloves can increase appetite, help overcome nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. Usually, cloves are used in various dishes, such as warm soup.

7. Coriander

Coriander functions to prevent the growth of bacteria and fungi in the body - which causes infection. In addition, coriander can also be relied on to increase appetite for people with HIV / AIDS, so that food intake is adequately fulfilled.

8. Fennel

Herbs for HIV can be used by PLWHA to increase appetite, prevent flatulence, and release gas. Add food ingredients or make it as tea.

8 Herbal Medicines to Improve the Quality of Life of HIV Patients
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