Various Risks that May Arise Due to Abortion


Medical Video: What Actually Happens When You Have An Abortion?

Abortion, maybe you often hear this word and immediately think negatively. However, make no mistake, abortion is not always negative. Why?

Abortion is the end of a pregnancy. There are two types of abortion based on the cause, namely intentional abortion (induced abortion) and accidental abortion (spontaneous abortion). Spontaneous abortion this is like a miscarriage, where fetal death occurs on its own and is usually caused by medical problems. Meanwhile, intentional abortion is still a controversy both in terms of medical and moral.

Abortion in Indonesia

In Indonesia alone, intentional abortion is an illegal and illegal act. Illegal abortions can be sentenced according to the Chapter XIX Criminal Code (KUHP) concerning crimes against life. Mothers who have abortions, people or medical personnel who help mothers get abortions, and people who support this action can be punished.

Terms of abortion that are permissible in Indonesia

Based on Government Regulation No. 16 of 2014 concerning Reproductive Health, abortion is prohibited and is only permitted under certain conditions, such as:

  • Indications of medical emergencies, such as pregnancy that threatens life and the health of the mother and fetus
  • Pregnancy due to rape (can only be done if the gestational age is 40 days at the latest calculated from the first day of the last menstruation)

This PP regulates how abortion should be carried out properly because of certain things, and how abortion is carried out safely with the help of a doctor. With this PP, it is expected that abortion will no longer be carried out carelessly and can also reduce the number of pregnancies outside of marriage or unwanted pregnancies.

30% of maternal deaths are due to abortion

Most abortions in Indonesia are caused by unwanted pregnancies or pregnancies that occur outside of marriage, so that abortion is done illegally. Many illegal abortion practices in Indonesia use makeshift equipment and methods that are not supposed to. As a result, most illegal abortions have a negative impact on women's health and can even cause death. Based on data from the Indonesian Demographic and Health Survey (IDHS) in 2008, deaths from abortion reached 30% of 228 per 100 thousand live births of maternal mortality (MMR).

This is different from countries that legalize abortion, such as the United States, where abortion is carried out safely and with the help of doctors, so complications are very rarely found.

How about abortion in a country that legalizes abortion?

In countries that legalize abortion, abortion is done with medical assistance. There are two ways to have an abortion, namely with medication and with surgery, such as vacuum aspiration or dilation and evaluation (D & E). This depends on the age of your pregnancy. If your womb is more than 9 weeks old, surgical abortion is the only choice. This operation is done with a certified doctor, so it is safe to do and is not something that is done carelessly.

What are the possible effects of abortion?

The risk for having an abortion in the second trimester of pregnancy is higher than in the first trimester of pregnancy. Some of the main risks of abortion are:

  • Uterine infection, can occur every 1 in 10 abortions performed. This infection can usually be treated with antibiotics.
  • Pregnancy left in the womb usually occurs because abortion is not handled by certified medical personnel, for example in abortion that is carried out illegally by a dukun or someone who claims to be a medical worker, or it can be because the abortion is done using drugs. This can occur every 1 in 20 incidents of abortion. Further treatment is needed to deal with this.
  • Pregnancy continues, there can be less than 1 in every 100 cases of abortion.
  • Severe bleeding, can occur every 1 in 1000 abortion events. Severe bleeding may require a blood transfusion.
  • Damage to the cervix (cervix), can occur every 1 in 100 incidents of abortion performed by surgery.
  • Uterine damage, occurring every 1 in 250 to 1000 abortions performed by surgery and also occurs in less than 1 in every 1000 abortions performed using drugs at 12-24 weeks' gestation.
  • And, various psychological effects on women who have an abortion.

From the various risks above, it can be seen that abortion is done illegally or legally (by using drugs or surgery), both of which can cause health risks for the mother. There is nothing that is not safe if you intend to have an abortion, unless indeed the pregnancy is threatening your life or your baby.



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Various Risks that May Arise Due to Abortion
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