8 Symptoms That Show You Too Much Sugar Consumption


Medical Video: 9 Signs You’re Eating Too Much Sugar

Everyone can't deny that sugar does taste delicious. It is rather difficult for us to avoid the element of sugar in our daily serving. However, excessive amounts of sugar are clearly harmful to our bodies.

Health threats such as diabetes, heart problems, and obesity are faithfully waiting for you to consume too much sugar. So, how do you identify that you have consumed too much sugar? This article will discuss the signs of consuming too much sugar.

1. You are addicted to sweet foods / drinks

The more you consume sugar, the more you want and are addicted to sugar. So, if you feel you are a big fan of sweet foods, you might already be classified as someone who consumes too much sugar.

"Cravings for sugar and continue to consume them are a vicious circle that is difficult for you to come out," said Brooke Alpert, author of the book The Sugar Detox: Lose Weight, Feel Great and Look Years Younger.

This is not just a matter of suggestion because the sweetness left on your tongue makes you get used to it. This is more complicated, consuming sugar triggers hormones in your body, so the hormone continues to 'ask' for your sugar intake. Effects like this also apply to drug opium.

2. You feel lethargic all day

If there is an element that rises, it must have an impact on the decline of other elements. Eating sugar makes our insulin levels soar.

"Stable energy is created at stable sugar levels. So, sugar levels that are too high or low will make your energy unstable, "Alpert said. Eating lots of sugar can also mean you lack protein and fiber. Then it can also trigger your energy instability.

3. Disorders of the skin

"Some people have bodies that are sensitive to soaring insulin because they consume too much sugar. "This triggers hormonal changes which then cause symptoms of acne or a blushing face," Dr. Rebecca Kazin, from Washington Institute of Dermatologic Laser Surgery.

Excess sugar can trigger your face to flush in a short time (several days). Therefore, if these symptoms are felt in you, immediately avoid consuming sugar. Skin disorders are a sign of easy identification of excess sugar.

4. Mood unstable

A high level of sugar in your body is very likely to trigger your mood instability. What's more, high sugar levels make you bad at acting and tend to be angry.

5. Increased weight

Excess sugar means excess calories, and that also means you lack protein and fiber. This also triggers the production of insulin, a hormone that plays a major role in determining body weight. When we consume sugar, the pancreas produces insulin, which carries sugar to our body so we have energy.

The more you consume sugar, the more you produce insulin. However, excessive insulin production will cause insulin resistance. Insulin resistance means when our body cannot respond to normal amounts of insulin. These disorders will make our body weight continue to rise.

6. Cavities

When bacteria are tucked between teeth through food, acids are produced, which then triggers damage to the teeth. The task of our saliva is to maintain balance and avoid us from bacteria.

Eating sugar will damage the structure and balance created by saliva. This gives the bacteria a golden opportunity to breed, and if this happens then the cavity in the tooth will appear.

7. The brain weakens, especially after eating

Alpert said that blood sugar levels will affect the performance of our brains.

8. Sweetness fades

"Eating too much sugar will basically damage your taste," Alpert said. Sugar will increase your parameters. So, if you feel that food is not as sweet as usual, it's not the food that you have to worry about but yourself.


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8 Symptoms That Show You Too Much Sugar Consumption
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