8 Silent Unexpected Things Make You Sleep Hard


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Already planning to go to bed early, but is it hard for your body to compromise? You also have tried to avoid drinking coffee in the afternoon so that the eyes can be closed on time. However, why is it still difficult to sleep, huh?

Hmm ... The reason could be what you often do unconsciously at night. Some of these habits even seem trivial and at first glance has nothing to do with sleep.

Not magic, not magic, these eight things actually make it difficult for you to sleep

1. Eat sweet foods before going to bed

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Try to remember again, do you like eating sweet foods a few hours before bedtime? If yes, it could be one of the reasons you have trouble sleeping. Sweet foods eaten just before bedtime can make blood sugar soar because the digestive system works more slowly to break down glucose throughout the night.

If your body has excess sugar, sugar will draw water from your body's tissues. This will cause you to feel thirsty and make you want to drink continuously. High blood sugar at night eventually causes you to often wake up to go back and forth to urinate.

As a result, sleep is not sound.

2. The bedroom is too quiet

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A quiet bedroom is actually ideal for making you sleep. However, a sleep specialist, Michael J. Breus, PhD. explain if the bedroom is too quiet and quiet, even a small sound will be easily heard.

This is what involuntarily triggers the brain to focus the focus on the sound to make you even more aware of the surrounding environment.

Of course, this is different for everyone. There are people who have trouble sleeping because of noise or even not falling asleep because it is too quiet, so it takes a little sound as a bedtime.

3. Don't wear socks while sleeping

source: thisisinsider

If you constantly have trouble sleeping, it's good to try the following simple tricks: wear socks while sleeping. According to the National Sleep Foundation, socks can keep your feet warm, which will then trigger blood vessel dilation. This can slowly help regulate body temperature, eventually making you feel sleepy and sleep faster.

4. Do not put the handphone away from the bed

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It's best to stay away from cellphones, laptops, tablets and other electronic devices when you are going to sleep. If necessary, activate the night mode or leave the phone turned off.

Not without reason, because all electronic devices emit blue light (blue light) which can interfere with the production of the hormone melatonin in the body. In fact, melatonin is a hormone that triggers drowsiness which is responsible for keeping you asleep all night.

Therefore, you are encouraged to stay away from electronic devices at night before bedtime.

5. It's not long to replace the pillow

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The pillow should ideally be replaced with a new one at least every 12-18 months. Because, the longer it is used, the more dirt will nest there, from dead skin, hair, fungi, mites, and dust.

Over time, all these substances can cause allergic symptoms including sneezing; cough; cold; to itchy nose and eyes. All of these things can certainly disrupt the comfort of your sleep.

A study found that people who have allergies are twice the risk of experiencing insomnia, and are also at risk of suffering from obstructive sleep apnea.

Outdated pillows also tend to deflate so they cannot support your neck and head well during sleep. This can cause otott-neck muscles stiff due to wrong pillows, complaints that are very trivial but very disturbing activity.

Don't forget to routinely wash and replace your pillowcases, bolsters, sheets and blankets.

6. Eat too much at night

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During sleep, the metabolic and digestive systems in the body are "restoring" themselves by resting. If the portion of your dinner is too much, especially if you eat again before bedtime, then the digestive system's work will be disrupted. This condition is certainly not good for the health of the body's metabolism, because it works together with bedtime which will actually disrupt your sleep.

7. Eat spicy food

eat spicy food

Not only sweet foods that need to be avoided before going to bed, spicy food too. Because the hot and spicy sensation of capsaicin in chili can increase body temperature which makes it uncomfortable. In fact, body temperature should go down at night to be able to sleep well.

In addition, most spicy foods before bed can also make you back and forth throughout the night because of stomach ache.

So, avoid menus that are too spicy for dinner.

8. Get good news

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Generally, stress or anxiety to a body that is too tired makes it difficult to sleep. However, do you know that hearing good news and happiness can also lead to the same thing?

Yes. Get or hear good news, both for yourself and the closest people, such as promotions, engagements, to move to a dream house, indirectly makes it difficult for you to fall asleep.

This is because hearing good news stimulates the brain to release lots of good hormone serotonin in the mood while also producing adrenaline and cortisol, which increase heart rate and make you excited.

When you lie in bed after getting good news, feeling happy and excited makes you think about the next day and imagine different scenarios. The more you focus on thinking about it, the more your mind will race to imagine so that you become more refreshed.

8 Silent Unexpected Things Make You Sleep Hard
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