Breast Pain and Swelling? Beware of Inflammatory Breast Cancer Symptoms


Medical Video: 4 Signs of Breast Cancer besides the Lumps - lump in breast - signs and symptoms of breast cancer

There are many types of breast cancer. One of the rarest and very malignant is inflammatory breast cancer (inflammatory breast cancer). It is said to be malignant because this type of breast cancer can develop very quickly, on a daily or weekly basis for just a few months. What are the features of inflammatory breast cancer?

Overview of info about breast cancer inflammation

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Breast cancer inflammation or in foreign terms is called inflammatory breast cancer is a rare type of cancer that causes the breasts to become swollen and the skin reddened. These breast changes are caused by cancer cells that block the lymph vessels in the skin of the breast.

This rare cancer is quite aggressive and can develop very quickly. Inflammatory breast cancer generally attacks women in their 50s.

What are the characteristics of inflammatory breast cancer?

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Inflammatory breast cancer does not cause lumps like breast cancer in general. But even though there are no distinctive visible lumps, there are various other features of inflammatory breast cancer that you need to watch out for.

Symptoms of inflammatory breast cancer usually appear and continue to develop within the first three to six months.

To be able to recognize this condition, you can see it from the following symptoms:

1. Discoloration in the breast

The characteristics of the earliest inflammatory breast cancer that you can observe are changes in the color of the breast skin. Can be red, pink, to purple.

Skin discoloration can look like a bruise so it is usually ignored. Therefore, don't overlook bruises in your breasts that come suddenly without obvious causes.

2. The breasts are painful

Just like general breast cancer, inflammatory breast cancer will cause the breast to feel painful and warm to the touch. The pain will be more intense when the breast is pressed. The pain also generally appears quite disturbing when you sleep on your back or while wearing a bra.

Besides being painful and warm to the touch, this rare cancer also causes the breasts to itch especially the area around the nipple.

3. Breast skin like orange skin texture

Other characteristics of inflammatory breast cancer that you need to watch out for are the skin texture of the breast that roughly changes to resemble an orange peel.

If you have this, then you need to immediately check with your doctor

4. Changes in nipple condition

Inflammatory breast cancer will cause the nipple to change shape suddenly. Can be flat with the area around the skin or just go inside (inverted nipples).

To test whether your nipples are flat or upside down, place your thumb and forefinger around the areola and press gently.

Normal nipples will move forward after being pinched while evenly nipples will not show movement, both outward and inward. When your nipples are turned upside down, when squeezed it will remain inside, not protruding.

However, not all people who have flat or inverted nipples will definitely experience inflammatory breast cancer. In some people the condition of the nipple is still relatively normal and is not a sign of serious health problems.

For that, observe other symptoms to distinguish which ones are normal and which are types of cancer.

5. Enlarged lymph nodes

Inflammation of breast cancer can make lymph nodes enlarge. Therefore, immediately consult a doctor if the locations of lymph nodes such as under the armpit, neck, and above the collarbone experience swelling.

6. Breasts change size

This type of rare breast cancer can cause the breasts to thicken and expand. Generally only on one side of the breast.

Side swollen breasts are usually caused by cancer cells that cause inflammation in the breast side tissue.

However, in some cases inflammation actually makes the breast shrink suddenly.

Come on, BE AWARE!

Inflammatory breast cancer should not be underestimated. That is why it is important for every woman to do an independent breast examination (BSE) and detect the risk of breast cancer at the doctor as early as possible.

Breast Pain and Swelling? Beware of Inflammatory Breast Cancer Symptoms
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