Can porous bones be made normal again?


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Porous bones are labeled as a health disorder that occurs in elderly people. In fact, this condition can be experienced by anyone, even those of you who are still young can experience bone loss. Then, can porous bones be cured? What happens if it continues to be left and not handled?

What are the causes of porous bones?

Bone is the main support of your body. Therefore, bones are designed to be very strong and dense in order to support your daily activities such as walking and running. Bone density is affected by the amount of minerals present in your bones.

Mineral is the most abundant substance in composing bones, which reaches 60-70% and while the rest consists of collagen and protein. Someone who experiences bone loss is caused by a decrease in the amount of bone mineral.

Porous bone is not necessarily osteoporosis, in the health field, this condition is called osteopenia, which is the initial stage before osteoporosis. Osteopenia is a condition where the mineral content in the bone is quite low, so it is easily broken or brittle. Some causes of osteopenia are:

  • Lack of consumption of calcium or vitamin D
  • Lack of exercise
  • Smoke
  • Consume too much alcohol
  • Too often consume carbonated drinks like soda

Meanwhile, some medical conditions experienced by a person can cause the bones to become porous, such as untreated celiac disease, having undergone chemotherapy, and taking several drugs that inhibit the absorption of minerals in the body. aging can also be the cause of this condition.

Then, can porous bones be cured?

Osteopenia is actually not a disease, because bone loss that occurs is still small and in the initial stages. This condition is a natural thing experienced, especially when someone has entered the age of 50 years and this can not be avoided.

If your doctor states that you have osteopenia, even though you have not reached 50 years of age, you can still prevent it so that the condition does not get worse, osteoporosis.

Not everyone who has osteopenia needs special medical treatment. This is adjusted for the level of bone loss that occurs in each individual. To prevent it from getting worse, you can apply a healthy lifestyle such as doing more exercise, eating foods containing calcium and vitamin D, and avoiding cigarettes and alcohol.

If I have osteoporosis, can I recover?

Basically nothing can make your bone structure or density normal and exactly the same as before you got osteoporosis. So, the treatment carried out to overcome osteoporosis is actually more aimed at preventing patients from experiencing fractures, slowing down the ongoing process of loss, and increasing bone density little by little.

Medications that are usually given to people with osteoporosis are:

  • Bisphosphonates, such as Fosamax, Boniva, Actonel, and Reclast
  • Calcitonin, like Fortical and Miacalcin
  • Estrogen hormone therapy

Meanwhile, you can also do prevention yourself by changing your lifestyle to a healthier way, such as eating various foods that contain vitamin D and calcium and exercising regularly.

Can porous bones be made normal again?
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