This Is Your Danger If You Often Don't Eat Dinner


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Many people assume if dinner is a routine that must be avoided, especially for those who are on a diet program. In fact, just like breakfast and lunch, dinner should also not be missed. So, what are the dangers if you often don't eat dinner? Know the answers in this article.

There are no health benefits if you often skip meals, including dinner

Besides breakfast, many people choose to skip dinner. The reason for this meal time is that it contributes greatly to increasing weight. So that those who want to lose weight choose not to eat at night.

Not only that, many assumptions also state that when a person sleeps, the body's digestive system will stop. So that the food consumed at night does not get digested properly which will result in weight gain.

However, Pooja Makhija, a Nutritionist and Clinical Dietcian consultant in India said that there were no health benefits that could be obtained if someone often skipped meals. Including skipping dinner hours.

The first thing you will feel when you skip dinner often is a very hungry feeling the next day. Then you will feel nauseous and increase stomach acid because the stomach is left empty for a long time - especially if you also skip lunch before. In addition, your sleep will not sound good because you often wake up in the middle of the night because of starvation.

So, in the end you will be tempted to eat sweets at night because you feel tired due to not falling asleep. This actually triggers an increase in appetite due to excessive hunger because often skipping meals.

Dinner provides fuel intake during sleep

Actually, dinner is the body's last energy intake before you sleep until breakfast arrives. Therefore, you must make sure that before bed, you have fulfilled the supply of glucose in the body to be used as fuel during sleep.

Causes You often wake up in the middle of the night often because blood sugar levels have decreased. Which is where the body must release the reserves of glucose that the body stores so it causes you to wake up when you are running out of energy - starvation. Well, this is what sometimes makes someone snacking midnight to get rid of hunger.

That is why, it is very important for you not to miss a healthy and nutritious dinner so that when you sleep, your body is able to release glucose steadily into the bloodstream.

So, when is the right time for dinner?

Basically, dinner is not something that is forbidden if you are on a diet, it's just that you have to pay attention to the eating hours that follow your body's biological clock. A study conducted at Harvard University Medical School explained that no matter how healthy the food you consume, if your eating schedule does not follow the body's biological clock, your metabolic system can become chaotic.

Well, the best time to eat instead is 5pm until late at 7 - 8pm. This meal is considered the most appropriate because it is estimated that your body has finished digesting the food perfectly before you fall asleep. In essence, give it about 3 hours so that the body can digest the body perfectly before you sleep.

What are the rules of dinner to stay healthy and not make fat?

Apart from paying attention to meal times, there are a number of other things that you should also pay attention to so that your dinner stays healthy and without disturbing your health, including:

  • Always pay attention to the food intake you eat. It's a good idea to eat light but healthy snacks at night. A bowl of fruit and a glass of milk is a good solution.
  • It takes about 20 minutes for the body to feel if the stomach is full. Therefore, eat slowly, don't rush. This will prevent you from eating too much and ending satiety.
  • If you want to eat heavily, avoid eating fatty and spicy late at night. Because the two types of food are difficult for the body to digest, allowing you to experience digestive disorders such as stomach aches that can make your sleep quality disrupted.
This Is Your Danger If You Often Don't Eat Dinner
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