Different types of injuries, different also the bandage: 5 ways to wrap wounds


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You've heard of wound dressing? No, this isn't it dressing for salads, but is a wound cover. Currently use wound dressing has been widely used in various health facilities to treat chronic wounds. Those of you who suffer from diabetes mellitus and currently have sores on the legs that are quite large may have used it often wounded dressing. But you know what it really is wound dressing this? Come on, let's see info about wounded dressing the following.

Acute vs chronic wounds

Based on the duration and healing process, the wound is divided into acute wounds and chronic wounds. Acute injuries are injuries to the skin caused by trauma or surgical wounds. Acute wounds heal with predictable time ranging from 8 to 12 weeks depending on the size and depth of the wound. Conversely, chronic wounds are wounds whose normal healing process fails and cannot be estimated when they are healed. Chronic wounds usually result from burns or ulcers.

Four stages of wound healing

Normal wound healing includes four stages that occur sequentially and overlap. First is the coagulation and hemostasis phase. This phase occurs right after the onset of the wound with the aim of stopping bleeding. Then proceed to the inflammatory phase, where the tissue that is injured will experience inflammation to prevent infection.

The third phase is the proliferation phase, which is the phase where the damaged tissue will repair itself to form new tissue and new blood vessels. The last phase is the maturation phase, where the new tissue and new blood vessels will be more mature.

What is the function of wound dressing?

Wound dressing used by doctors is a cover to protect wounds from infection, while helping wound healing. This wound cover is made to come into direct contact with the wound, in contrast to the bandage that is used to keep it wounded dressing stay in place.

Wound dressing has several functions depending on the type, severity, and location of the wound. In general the main function wounded dressing is to prevent infection, but in addition wounded dressing also useful to help:

  • Stop the wound and start the blood clotting process
  • Absorbs excess blood or other fluids that come out of the wound
  • Start the healing process

Types of bandageswounded dressing

Type wounded dressing now on the market there are already so many that it reaches more than 3000 types, but to make it easier wound dressing can be grouped into 5 major groups, namely:

  • Film dressing
  • Simple island dressing
  • Non-adherent dressing
  • Moist dressing
  • Absorbent dressing

1. Film dressing

Dressings this can be used as a main or additional dressing. Usually used as a protector for areas of the body that often experience friction like the heel. Dressings This translucent air so that the wound does not get too wet due to moisture. Dressings this can keep the wound dry and prevent bacterial contamination.

2. Simple island dressing

Dressings this is only used to cover wounds that have been sewn as in the surgical wound. In the middle of this dressing contains cellulose which functions to absorb fluids that seep out of the wound during the first 24 hours after surgery.

3. Non-adherent dressing

Dressings This type is designed so as not to stick to the drying liquid that comes from the wound so that when the dressing is opened it does not cause injury and pain. This is important because if you use a sticky dressing, it can injure the new tissue that is formed, causing injury and bleeding.

4. Moist dressing

Dressings This function is to maintain the moisture of the wound by preventing the skin from losing its moisture or actively adding moisture to the area. Moist dressing can be divided into two groups, namely hydrogel and hydrocolloid.

Hydrogel dressing contains 60-70% of water stored in the form of a gel. Usually used for wounds containing dead tissue, where the tissue becomes hard and black, while attaching to living tissue below it inhibits the healing process. The function of water is to soften dead tissue so that dead tissue can be removed by the body and helps the wound healing process.

Hydrocolloid dressing does not contain water in it, but it acts as a seal so that moisture is not lost through evaporation.

5. Absorbent dressing

Dressings this can absorb the fluid that comes out of the wound. Suitable for wet wounds. The goal is to prevent maceration in the wound due to fluid that constantly seeps out of the wound.

Different types of injuries, different also the bandage: 5 ways to wrap wounds
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