Choice of 5 Natural Ingredients that Effectively Overcome Swollen Feet Quickly


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Experiencing swollen feet certainly makes you uncomfortable. Let alone to walk, just moving your feet might make you sick. Before seeing a doctor, it's a good idea to try to deal with swollen feet with the following natural ingredients.

Rows of natural ingredients that are effective in overcoming swollen feet

Swelling in the legs, or in medical terms called edema, occurs because the body stores excess fluid in the lower legs or ankles. This condition is generally harmless and can disappear by itself.

That is why, overcoming swollen feet does not require special care because it can actually be done easily at home. Various natural ingredients that can help deal with swollen feet are:

1. Water

drink water before bed

Indeed, swollen feet can occur due to fluid buildup in the legs. However, if you refrain from drinking water for fear that your swollen legs will get worse, you are at risk of dehydration.

Lack of body fluids can inhibit the flow of oxygen to the legs and exacerbate inflammation. That's why, you just have to drink a lot to reduce pain due to swollen feet.

Meet your fluid needs by drinking at least eight glasses of water per day. This can help remove toxins, excess salt, and fluids that cause swollen feet.

2. Epsom Salt

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Epsom salt is one of the natural ingredients that you can rely on to deal with swollen feet. The reason is, this type of salt can encourage toxic substances in the body while simultaneously promoting blood flow in the legs.

Mix half a glass or about 115 grams of Epsom salt into warm water, then soak the swollen feet for 15 to 20 minutes.

The content of magnesium sulfate will seep into the pores of the skin and slowly reduce inflammation. Do it 2 to 3 times a week to get maximum results.

3. Food sources of potassium


Quoted from Healthline, potassium deficiency can trigger high blood pressure and fluid buildup in the body (water retention). As a result, you will find it easier to experience swollen legs if your daily potassium needs are not fulfilled.

Various foods that are potassium sources that can help with swollen feet include:

  • Sweet potato
  • Banana
  • Salmon
  • Chicken
  • Orange juice
  • Low fat milk

If you have kidney problems or certain diseases, you should first consult a doctor to determine your health condition.

4. Food sources of magnesium

benefits of magnesium magnesium function

When you experience swollen feet, this could be a sign that you are deficient in magnesium. To overcome this, immediately meet your daily magnesium needs by consuming:

  • Spinach
  • Broccoli
  • Avocado
  • Know
  • Almond nut
  • Cashews
  • Black chocolate (dark chocolate)

If necessary, you can also take magnesium supplements according to your doctor's recommendations. Doctors will usually prescribe magnesium supplements at a dose of 200 to 400 milligrams per day to help deal with swollen feet. However, this supplement is not recommended for those of you who have kidney problems or heart disease.

5. Apple vinegar

the efficacy of apple vinegar

The benefits of apple cider vinegar are very much proven, one of which can help deal with swollen feet. Potassium content in apple vinegar can reduce fluid retention resulting in swollen feet.

Mix apple vinegar into warm water with a ratio of 1: 1, then soak the towel in the solution. Apply a warm towel to the swollen part of the leg until the pain decreases.

If you are strong enough to taste and smell, you can drink a mixture of two tablespoons of apple vinegar with a glass of water and honey. Drink this mixture twice a day to speed up recovery.

Choice of 5 Natural Ingredients that Effectively Overcome Swollen Feet Quickly
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