Do People With Lung Hypertension Still Have Sports?


Medical Video: Pulmonary Hypertension - Every Breath Matters

When diagnosed with pulmonary hypertension, there is a series of life changes that need to be carried out including one of the patient's daily activities. This is because people with this disease have a body condition that is no longer the same and tends to be more easily tired. So, can people with pulmonary hypertension still exercise? This is the consideration.

What happens to the body when exposed to pulmonary hypertension

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When you experience pulmonary hypertension, blood pressure in the pulmonary artery is too high due to narrowing and thickening of blood vessels. As a result, the right heart works harder to pump blood towards the lungs. So this makes the blood pressure in the pulmonary arteries and right heart increase beyond normal conditions.

"People with pulmonary hypertension have pulmonary blood pressure above normal, which is more than 25 mmHg," said Dr. Lucia Kris Dinarti Sp.PD., Sp.JP, pulmonary hypertension expert from Sardjito Hospital, Yogyakarta in a dialogue initiated by the Indonesian Lung Hypertension Foundation (YHPI) in South Jakarta, Monday (24/9).

This condition then triggers a series of symptoms such as dizziness, weakness, shortness of breath, and fatigue. So that for those of you who have this disease it will usually be advisable to avoid various activities that can force energy.

So, can people with pulmonary hypertension exercise?

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According to Dr. Lucia Kris, people with pulmonary hypertension can still exercise; as long as it is adapted to its condition.

"There are several studies that state that exercise can actually help improve the condition of people who have high blood pressure in the arterial tract in their lungs," said Dr. Lucia Kris.

However, of course the type of exercise is adjusted to health conditions. The reason is, each patient has different conditions and severity. People with this disease should consult a doctor first before deciding to exercise. This is because moderate exercise can worsen the symptoms and conditions of the sufferer.

Quoted from the official website of the Indonesian Lung Hypertension Foundation, there are some tips that need to be applied by people with pulmonary hypertension. Among them are:

  • Do light exercise such as walking, relaxing biking, and stretching the legs and arms muscles.
  • Not doing weight training.
  • Not walking on climbing roads.
  • Avoid outdoor activities with extreme weather conditions such as overheating, cold or high altitude because it can worsen symptoms.
  • Measuring your own abilities before symptoms appear.

On the same occasion, Prof. Dr. Dr. Bambang Budi Siswanto, Sp.JP (K), Fascc, FAPSC, FACC., Pulmonary hypertension expert Harapan Kita Hospital, added that there are special rules for patients with this condition who want to keep exercising.

"Measuring the patient's sporting abilities has a special formula. This will be calculated based on the heart condition and age of each patient. If the patient turns out to exercise carelessly over the limit, then he can collapse. Whereas if it is not moving it can continue to be lethargic. For this reason, it is necessary to consult a doctor to be adjusted, "said Prof. Bambang.

Therefore, do not carelessly and decide for yourself what type of exercise you want to do if you have this one disease because it can endanger your health condition. Because of the health conditions that do not make it possible to carry out strenuous activities such as sports, certain people carry out daily activities as sports.

Do People With Lung Hypertension Still Have Sports?
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