What are the Symptoms and Characteristics of Wine Pregnancy?


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The newlyweds are certainly happy when the wife starts experiencing signs of pregnancy. But immediately their happiness vanished when the doctor said that the pregnancy turned out to be just a wine pregnancy. Check out the following explanation so you know more about the characteristics of wine pregnancy.

What is wine pregnancy?

Wine pregnancy, or in the medical world better known as hydatidiform mole, is a condition where there is tumor which develops in the uterus. After the egg is fertilized, it should grow into the placenta and fetus, but the eggs actually grow into abnormal cells that develop into white bubbles filled with fluid that resembles wine.

What causes wine pregnancy?

Wine pregnancy is thought to occur because of an error in the genetic material contained in sperm cells or egg cells before fertilization finally occurs. This error eventually led to two types of grape pregnancy, complete wine pregnancy and partial wine pregnancy.

  • Wine pregnancy is said to be complete when after fertilization, the egg develops entirely into abnormal cells.
  • Grape pregnancy is said to be partial if the egg is fertilized by 2 sperm cells and after fertilization, the placenta does not provide proper nutrition, but instead develops into abnormal cells.

Several factors also have the potential to trigger wine pregnancy, such as those over 35 years or less than 20 years, a history of wine pregnancy in a previous pregnancy and a history of miscarriage.

What are the characteristics of wine pregnancy?

The beginnings that are similar to signs of pregnancy often cause maternal misunderstandings between symptoms of pregnancy and symptoms of wine pregnancy. So that in some cases, pregnant new wines are detected after 10 to 14 weeks of pregnancy during routine checks with ultrasound. The characteristics of pregnant wine include:

  • The bleeding from the vagina is dark brown to bright red in the first trimester
  • Severe nausea and vomiting
  • Several times there is pressure or pain in the pelvis.

If you experience the above symptoms, you should start going to the doctor and detect further symptoms such as:

  • Enlarged uterus with abnormal enlargement and too large to be predicted as a sign of pregnancy
  • Elevated blood pressure
  • Existence cyst in your ovary
  • Reduced iron in your body (anemia)
  • The onset of symptoms of the disease hyperthyroidism such as fatigue, nervousness, irregular heartbeat, and excessive sweating
  • Liquid discharge from your vagina.

After you have detected a positive pregnancy wine, to prevent ongoing complications, these tissues will be removed with surgical medical action until nothing is left in your uterus.

Even if your symptoms are not detected as a wine pregnancy, but you experience a miscarriage in the first 20 weeks with an unknown cause, these symptoms will often be indicated as pregnant with wine. Miscarriage in 20 weeks usually occurs as a response from your body to end a pregnancy that has a problem.

What is the effect of grape pregnancy on your uterus?

You will be advised not to get pregnant in a few months to a year until you complete your hormone monitoring program. It's a good idea to discuss it first with your doctor before you plan to get pregnant again.

After surgery to remove the abnormal tissue, in some cases, there is still tissue left in your body and continues to develop into disease gestational trophoblastic (abnormal pregnancy due to a malignant tumor). This event can occur in 1 in 5 women.

Gestational trophoblastic disease can still be treated with action chemotherapy (You may still get pregnant about a year after you finish chemotherapy) or by removing the uterus (only recommended for those of you who are no longer planning to get pregnant).

Its ferocious nature makes gestational trophoblastic disease potentially trigger cancer. This is possible, but it will be very rare and in some cases can still be treated with a combination of several cancer treatments.

What are the Symptoms and Characteristics of Wine Pregnancy?
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