8 Tricks To Stay Healthy For You Who Are Always Busy



Do you have a busy schedule that makes it difficult to cook, prepare healthy food, or even adopt healthy living habits? Having a busy schedule really makes many people finally choose the way that is instant, including food.

But don't worry, to make it easier for you to move around and maintain your health, the following tips are recommended by Christian Andrew, a healthy food expert, to adopt healthy living habits in the midst of the daily activities.

1. Prepare food portions

Time for busy people is very valuable. When you have time to cook on weekends, make the best use of it. Cook healthy food in a large portion that is expected to be able to for the next few days. Then divide each food into containers separately. It can also be used for snacks. Keep food supplies in a container that is airtight so that food is not fast stale.

Controlling food portions is the easiest way to control how many calories you consume during meals. So when the morning comes you just take stock and rush to the office without the hassle of preparing lunch again.

2. Blended

Drinking fruit and vegetable juice is a powerful way to get balanced food nutrition. Unlike juice, in this way all fruits and vegetables are blended in one container without filtering or removing the juice. The benefits of blender fruit become smoother and more easily absorbed by the body.

3. Don't delay eating

The first important rule is not to delay eating. The thing that often happens when the lunch hour comes but you are being hunted for deadlines is that you prefer not to eat and endure hunger. This is wrong because when you postpone eating it makes eating hungry high. Not only that, working in a hungry state makes you tired and unproductive.

When you are constantly accustomed, this will indeed reduce weight but not in a good direction because the muscles will accumulate more fat.

4. Only order healthy food

Make your healthy food program easier by ordering healthy food from a catering or favorite restaurant. After working all day, you definitely don't want to spend time cooking in the kitchen. Fortunately, healthy and fresh food can now be delivered to your home, making life easier. With that you can save up to 15 hours per week for cooking and shopping needs on the market.

5. Mix and match colors

It turns out that color has a big influence on our eating habits. Because the color can affect our appetite. For example, red which can increase appetite, while the color blue can actually hold the appetite.

When in the office or in the kitchen, make your eating area with a touch of blue and use the color of the plate that contrasts with the color of the food. This will make the eyes focus on the color of food that can affect the mind how much food will be consumed later.

6. Change the size of the plate

Believe it or not, satiety is controlled by the perception of how much food you consume. Changing the size of a serving plate will create a visual illusion that can direct the mind about how much food will be consumed. Next, try preparing vegetables on a large plate and any kind of unhealthy food on a smaller plate.

7. Prepare a healthy snack

Hunger is a natural response from the body when you don't eat for 3-4 hours, and often it triggers consumption of unhealthy foods at mealtime. Eating snacks will help get past hunger shortly before mealtime when blood sugar rises.

Try to eat foods that contain at least 200 calories and avoid foods that contain lots of sugar. Choose low-sugar foods that will slowly release your energy such as fat-free yogurt, berries, nuts or seeds.

8. Turn off your gadget!

Believe it or not, people who are often distracted by technology in meals, will eat more than those who turn off their gadgets for a moment and focus on the food. Take your time to turn off the gadget while eating so that you focus on food, so that your appetite can be controlled properly.

8 Tricks To Stay Healthy For You Who Are Always Busy
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