Do you want to keep working while fasting? These 7 Strategies You Can Apply


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Generally, office workers will tend to spend most of their time sitting and staring at the monitor screen all day long. Even so, it is important to maintain health so that the body is always fit and fit so fasting in the month of Ramadan can go well. Relax, working while fasting is actually not that difficult, really. As long as you know the key. Curious? Come on, check the various fasting tips for the following office workers.

Various tips to keep the spirit of working when fasting

1. Don't miss sahur

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The most basic thing is to keep fit and enthusiasm to work while fasting, that is by not missing the dawn As with breakfast, sahur plays an important role in maintaining energy needs during fasting until the breaking time.

You can choose to consume carbohydrate sources, such as rice, pasta, bread, wheat, and oats for full longer. Also include protein sources that include eggs, cheese, or low-fat meat to increase energy adequacy.

Do not forget, offset by eating foods that contain fiber derived from vegetables and fruit, the goal is to help the digestive system work in the body.

2. Maintain and regulate food intake

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During fasting, your meal time is only at dawn and breaking. This makes you have to be smart in choosing what foods you can and should not consume at that time. If not, it will affect your fasting.

Eating a large portion when the dawn does not guarantee to make you strong all day working while fasting. Maybe you think that by eating a lot, your body will get a lot of energy to start the day. Even though in fact, eating too much can actually cause drowsiness which ultimately inhibits your performance in the office.

So you should, eat in accordance with the portion of your needs and accompanied by eating various types of food to support the body's nutritional needs. That way, the body will also be more fit and comfortable to go through the day.

3. Meet fluid needs

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As important as food intake, body fluid needs must also be fulfilled well during fasting. For that, you should drink around 8-12 glasses of water every day. You can fulfill this need when breaking the fast until the time for sahur arrives to keep the body well hydrated.

That way, concentration is maintained and work productivity does not decrease even though it is undergoing a full day of fasting.

4. Don't avoid sunlight

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Being in the room all day long, will make you rarely "meet" the sun and get fresh air. Try to take a moment and go out looking for fresh air in the sun. Because the sun is a natural source of vitamin D for your body, especially when undergoing fasting for office workers.

Just walking around looking for fresh air, it is also useful to calm the mind that might be tired due to work. It doesn't need to be too long, you just need to do this activity for at least 10-15 minutes.

5. Manage stress well

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Most office workers, of course, are preoccupied with a pile of time-consuming work and thoughts. However, do not let your responsibilities in the office actually make you feel uncomfortable until finally stressful.

Because, according to Jonathan Kramer, a clinical psychologist says that stress can damage the immune system and ultimately increase the risk of developing the disease.

Of course you don't want this to interfere with your fasting and work, right? Stress with work must be there and that's normal, but it's important to manage stress well so that it doesn't hinder your productivity.

Some light things, such as spending time with family on holidays, watching movies, reading favorite books, or pampering yourself by doing body treatments are supposed to make you more relaxed.

6. Light exercise

exercise for bone health during fasting

Do not make fasting as an excuse you are lazy to exercise. Sitting in the office all day certainly makes the body rarely make a move, if left continuously it can cause a feeling of weakness which will reduce work performance.

So, you can exercise with light to moderate intensity after breaking the fast, or after dawn before preparing to leave for office. Or if it really doesn't have time, you can still exercise lightly by taking the time to walk to the office.

According to Dawn Jackson, a nutritionist at the American Dietetic Association, states that walking light is not only beneficial for burning calories, but also can relieve stress and refresh the body.

7. Get enough rest

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As mentioned earlier, eating too much can make you sleepy easily. But not only that, drowsiness during fasting is not only caused by too much food. It's because you don't have enough sleep.

Hours of sleep during fasting will certainly decrease, because you have to get up early to eat sahur. Moreover, office workers who have irregular hours of sleep because they sleep too late due to completing work.

In fact, lack of sleep can affect brain performance so that it will hamper your activities tomorrow. Instead, avoid sleeping too late for unnecessary purposes. If you still have something to do, immediately finish the job then go to sleep.

Do you want to keep working while fasting? These 7 Strategies You Can Apply
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