Don't Think Trivial, These Are 5 Characteristics of Abnormal Bloating Stomach


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Stomach usually will feel bloated when you drink too much water, during menstruation, or there are problems in your digestion. Generally, you will feel a stomach that feels full like a spasm or a pile of fluid in it. Usually, this condition will improve on its own. However, it turns out there are characteristics of flatulence that is unusual and can be a sign of other health problems. What are the characteristics of abnormal flatulence?

Characteristics of abnormal flatulence

1. Weight drops dramatically

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The first characteristic of flatulence that is unusual and needs to be examined is if accompanied by weight loss. If you experience flatulence and weight loss is quite drastic then this could mark celiac disease.

Celiac is a condition when the body reacts negatively to gluten to damage the intestinal lining. Usually this condition is characterized by diarrhea and weight loss after you consume it. In addition, other symptoms that usually accompany it are anemia, redness of the skin, and headaches.

If you experience this for a long period of time, immediately consult a gastroenterologist for further examination. Usually, the doctor will ask you to do a blood test to determine whether it is positive or not.

2. Bad smelling leucorrhoea

vaginal discharge during pregnancy

Flatulence accompanied by odorless vaginal discharge is usually a marker of pelvic inflammatory disease. This one disease generally attacks about five percent of women in productive age (18 to 24 years).

Pelvic inflammation arises from untreated sexually transmitted infections such as chlamydia and gonorrhea that move from the vagina to the fallopian tubes and uterus.

As a result, you will experience fever, cold heat, to fertility disorders. However, the initial symptoms that occur are usually quite mild such as pelvic pain, irregular menstrual periods, and smelling vaginal discharge.

If you experience this, immediately consult a gynecologist. Doctors will usually do several tests such as urine and blood. If positive, the doctor will do an ultrasound or laparoscopy to see how far the infection has spread in the body.

3. Severe abdominal cramps

overcome menstrual pain

If you experience flatulence accompanied by severe cramps on the lower left side of the stomach, you may experience diverchulitis. Diverchulitis is the appearance of small pockets in the lower layers of the large intestine which are then inflamed.

Generally, this condition occurs in people under the age of 40 years. If abdominal cramps are no longer bearable then immediately consult your condition to the doctor. Usually the doctor will do a series of tests such as blood, urine, and stool tests to see the source of the infection originating.

4. Bloody chapter

Bloody bowel

Flatulence is often accompanied by bloody bowel generally a marker of inflammation of the intestine such as Crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis.

In addition, other accompanying symptoms are usually a reddish rash on the skin, fatigue, and blurred vision. If you feel any of these symptoms, consult your doctor immediately.

To find out more about your condition, usually a medical examination must be done such as a blood test, stool test, endoscopy, and even a biopsy if needed.

5. Pelvic pain

causes of pelvic pain

In rare cases, flatulence accompanied by pain in the pelvis usually leads to ovarian cancer. This condition results in a feeling of fullness in the stomach even though you have just started eating.

In addition, this condition also continues with the feeling of wanting to defecate immediately after eating. Usually this is due to the fluid that accumulates in the stomach called ascites and the pressure from the enlarged ovary to the abdomen or pelvis.

Immediately consult a doctor if you experience this. To check it, the doctor will perform various tests such as transvaginal ultrasound to see if there is excess mass in the ovary and CA-125 blood test.

Don't Think Trivial, These Are 5 Characteristics of Abnormal Bloating Stomach
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