Get to know the cause of pus urination and how to prevent it


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Gonorrhea, or what is often called gonorrhea, is one of the sexually transmitted diseases that can infect men and women of all ages. This disease most often attacks the urethra (urinary tract), rectum, eyes, and throat. In women, gonorrhea can also attack the cervix (cervix). Find out the causes of gonorrhea in this article.

Overview of gonorrhea

Gonorrhea is a common infection that, in many cases, causes no symptoms. This makes many gonorrhea sufferers unwittingly transmit the disease to their partners. Both men and women, the most typical symptom of the genore, is a yellow or green thick liquid that comes out like pus from the urinary tract or penis accompanied by extreme pain when urinating.

A person will be more at risk of experiencing this disease if:

  • Having unprotected sex, for example without a condom
  • Having sex with someone who has often changed partners
  • Mutual sex partners
  • Have had gonorrhea before
  • Have experienced other venereal diseases before

Causes of gonorrhea

Gonorrhea is caused by a bacterial infection Neisseria gonorrhoeae. These bacteria not only affect the reproductive tract, but can also attack the mucous membranes of the mouth, throat, eyes, and rectal area.

Bacteria Neisseria gonorrhea often spread from one person to another through sexual intercourse. This includes oral, anal, or vaginal sex. Like other germs, you can get bacteria that causes gonorrhea just from touching the infected area in other people. So if you come into contact with a penis, vagina, mouth, or anus someone who carries this bacterium, you are at high risk of gonorrhea.

Gonorrhea can also be transmitted from use sex toys(sex toys) that have been contaminated. In addition, the baby can be infected during the normal delivery process if his mother has gonorrhea. In infants, this disease generally affects the eye so that it can potentially result in permanent blindness.

It is important to understand that although this disease is caused through sex, men do not have to ejaculate to transmit to their partners.

The bacteria that cause gonorrhea cannot survive outside the human body for a long time, which is why this disease does not spread through toilet seats, eating utensils, sharing towels, swimming pools, sharing glasses, kisses, and hugs.

How to prevent gonorrhea

Preventing sexually transmitted diseases is easier than treating it. Including pus disease. The only sure way to avoid getting this disease is to have safe sex and do routine checks. You also have a lower risk of having a long term sexual relationship with just one person and make sure that you are their only partner.

Not only that, there are several other ways you can prevent yourself from developing gonorrhea, namely:

  • Use condoms. Condoms serve as a barrier to the entry of bacteria that cause gonorrhea. Not only that, condoms will protect you from other sexually transmitted diseases such as HIV and chlamydia.
  • Venereal disease tests together with partners. Communicate with your partner before sexual intercourse. Make sure your partner has no symptoms of this disease. Invite your partner to do a screening test to ascertain his condition. Keep in mind, someone can get sexually transmitted diseases without realizing it.
  • Responsible for your sex activities. If you have this disease or are on treatment, avoid having sexual intercourse with your partner until you are completely cured.
Get to know the cause of pus urination and how to prevent it
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