How Effective Is Coconut Oil to Treat Skin Fungal Infections?


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There are many benefits of coconut oil for health. Gargling with coconut oil, for example, can prevent tooth decay and bleeding gums. Another benefit that many people believe has been a drug for fungal skin infections. However, is that really true? Find out the answers in the following review.

Is it true that coconut oil can be used as a fungal infection medicine?

Fungal skin infections can cause discomfort, heat sensations in the skin, and irresistible itching that disrupts daily activities. This skin infection can actually be easily treated using an antifungal cream available at a pharmacy or drug store, either with or without a prescription. However, not a few people are looking for more natural alternatives to avoid the risk of drug side effects. Coconut oil is one of the options for natural skin fungal infections.

Coconut oil contains medium chain fatty acids (MCT), which are not only more easily absorbed by the liver, but are also rapidly metabolized. In addition, coconut oil also has antibacterial and antifungal properties that can help relieve various skin infections.

A study conducted by scientists from Nigeria in 2007 reported that the content of MCT in coconut oil was effective against infection with Candida albincans, even more effective than fluconazole antifungal creams and without side effects.

How do you use coconut oil as a fungal infection medicine?

Coconut oil does not only have to be taken by mouth for you to feel the health benefits. If an infection occurs on the surface of the skin, coconut oil can be applied directly to the problem area of ​​the skin. Repeat the usage every day until the symptoms subside.

If the part of the mouth is infected with fungi, follow the following directions:

  • Heat coconut oil for a few seconds
  • Cool the oil until it's cool enough to not burn the skin, put it in your mouth for about 30 seconds
  • Remove the coconut oil from the mouth
  • Avoid eating or drinking for half an hour afterwards

If you experience a fungal infection in the vagina, coconut oil can be directly applied to infected vaginal coolies for 4-5 days. The second way, coconut oil is applied to the tampon and inserted into the vagina until it reaches the uterus. Before doing these two things, you should consult your doctor first.

Make sure the oil you are using is extra virgin coconut oil (VCO) that does not go through various manufacturing processes.

Don't use coconut oil for too long

Although it is known to be effective, no further medical research has been conducted on humans to determine the risk of the side effects of using coconut oil in the long term. Therefore, the possibility of side effects can occur.

So you should, consult with your doctor before using coconut oil as a fungal skin infection drug. Doctors will usually recommend antifungal drugs, such as fluconazole. Maintaining personal hygiene, reducing sugar consumption, and regular consumption of yogurt also supports health recovery from this condition.

How Effective Is Coconut Oil to Treat Skin Fungal Infections?
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