Is there a way to prevent appendicitis?


Medical Video: 5 common signs of Appendicitis

The appendix (appendix) is a small organ located in the large intestine, precisely at one end. Although often considered to have no important function, the presence of a blockage in the appendix can cause disturbing pain. In fact, appendicitis can become inflamed and have fatal consequences if not treated immediately. So, is there a way to prevent appendicitis before this disease actually occurs?

What causes inflammation Appendix?

Unbearable pain in the lower right abdomen is identical as a symptom of inflammation in appendicitis (appendicitis). However, it is not yet known exactly what causes this appendicitis. The presence of a blockage in the appendix, either partially or thoroughly, is thought to be one of the causes.

This blockage can be caused by a pile of stools that settles, making it difficult to get out. In addition, it can also be caused by an enlarged lymphoid follicle, worm, or tumor.

The appendix that is experiencing a blockage is an ideal place for bacteria to breed. It is possible, pus will appear as an increasingly severe form of inflammation.

symptoms of appendicitis

Is there a way to prevent appendicitis?

Quoted from the Everday Health page, until now health experts have not been able to determine how to prevent appendicitis. Even so, that does not mean you have to surrender yourself without doing any effort to prevent this condition.

You can start regularly eating foods with high fiber content every day. Because the lack of fiber intake in the body can actually trigger accumulation in the intestine because food becomes more difficult to digest properly.

Not only that, a study published in the Biochemical Journal found that foods rich in fiber can help provide healthy intake of good bacteria in the body, including the digestive system.

No need to worry, high-fiber food sources can easily be obtained from a group of vegetables and fruits. For example apples, pears, bananas, mangoes, watermelons, tomatoes, carrots, broccoli, beans, cucumbers, spinach, mustard greens, and other types of vegetables and fruit.

Is there a way to prevent appendicitis?
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