Tips to Prevent Heat Stroke during Hot Weather


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Stinging hot weather has become a daily food for people living in tropical countries like Indonesia. But besides making it hot and burning skin,too long physical activity outside the room when the sun is fierce-fierce can increase the risk of heat stroke, aka heat stroke.Heat stroke is a medical emergency, not just overheating. If not treated immediately, heat stroke can trigger damage to the brain and other internal organs, even to death. Check out this article to find out how to prevent heat strokes during hot weather.

Overview of heat stroke

Heat stroke is a condition of body temperature that rises sharply and suddenly in a fast time, but your body is unable or not have enough time to cool down. As a result you feel extreme heat, not only from outside the body but also from within.

Heat stroke usually occurs when a person receives exposure to hot temperatures from the surrounding environment outside his tolerance limits, for example when the weather is unusually hot. Heat stroke can also be triggered by fatigue due to high intensity physical activity that can increase body temperature, such as exercise during the day for a long time.

Signs and symptoms heat stroke, including:

  • High fever (40º C) or more
  • Sweating profusely
  • Headache, kliyengan head, dizzy, dizzy
  • The skin is red and dry
  • Slow response rate
  • Heart pounding; sudden surge in pulse
  • Changes in behavior such as confusion, daze, irritability, and anxiety
  • Nauseous vomit
  • Breathe fast
  • Seizures
  • Fainting (loss of consciousness), as the first sign in advanced adults

Tips to prevent heat strokes when it's hot

Basically heat stroke is a predictable and preventable condition. Follow the steps below to prevent heatstroke during hot weather.

  • Wear loose, light-colored and lightweight clothing. Wearing thick, tight clothes when the weather is hot will not make your body get air circulation properly.
  • Use sunscreen. Besides preventing sunburn, using a sunscreen can affect your body's ability to cool down. Use sunscreen evenly to the part most often exposed to sunlight every 2 hours, or more often if you swim or often dry. You can choose a sunscreen containing SPF 50.
  • Drink lots of fluids. If you are required to carry out strenuous activities in hot weather, fill your fluid intake by drinking a lot and often resting in a cool place like in an air conditioned room. Staying hydrated will help your body maintain a normal body temperature. Because, all health problems associated with hot weather can be caused by a lack of salt in the body. You can also be hydrated by consuming electrolyte-rich sports drinks during extreme sun days and hot air.
  • Do not leave people in the car when the engine is off. Many people are not aware of this danger. In fact, leaving people in a car in a dead engine is a common cause of death associated with heat, especially for children. When the car is parked in the sun, the temperature in the car can rise 6 to 7 degrees Celsius from normal conditions in 10 minutes.
  • Avoid exercising during broad daylight, when the weather is hot. Try scheduling sports or other physical activities when the air temperature has started to be slightly lower, for example in the morning or evening.
  • Find shelter. Limit the time spent doing physical activities in hot conditions until you are familiar with the climate, environment, and conditions in a new place. The reason is, people who are not familiar with hot weather are very susceptible to heat-related diseases.
  • If you take part in sporting events or strenuous activities during hot weather, make sure there are medical services available in the event of a hot emergency.
Tips to Prevent Heat Stroke during Hot Weather
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