Sleep More Soundly Despite Having Back Pain With These 5 Positions


Medical Video: How to Fall Asleep Faster

Are you experiencing low back pain (low back pain)? You feel tortured even when you want to sleep? Relax, it turns out there are some good sleeping positions to deal with your back pain. In addition to making sleep comfortable, sleeping position is also important to reduce the pain that arises when you sleep. Your sleep is getting better and better quality. Come on, immediately see good sleeping positions for the following back pain.

A good sleeping position to deal with back pain

1. Sleep facing the side while pinning a pillow on your knee or hugging a bolster

Source: Healthline
  • Sleep on your side by choosing one direction, right or left.
  • Use a pillow on your head and let your shoulder position stick directly to the mattress instead of sticking to the pillow.
  • With your body tilted, bend your legs so that your knees are leaning forward. When viewed from above, the position of your foot looks like a sharp angle, with the knee positioned as its angle.
  • Between your right and left legs are bent, tuck the pillow or bolt between the knees of your right and left leg.
  • If there is a gap between your waist and your mattress, add a small pillow to fill the gap.

With these positions the cushion will support your hips, pelvis and spine in a good position. In addition, you should change the position of the tilt, not always to the right or not always to the left.

2. Sleep in a position facing the side with your legs curled up

Source: Healthline

For those of you who like to sleep facing the side, you can do this position to avoid back pain getting worse:

  • Sleep with your body facing the left or right side.
  • Position the pillow to support the head and neck.
  • Bend your knees toward the chest until your back tends to be straight.

3. Sleep on your back with the pillow below the knee

Source: DIY Chicks

For some people who experience back pain and like to sleep on their back without a pillow on their head, you can do this good sleeping position while sleeping.

  • Lie straight on the bed.
  • Place a pillow under the knee joint and keep your spine straight while sleeping. This pillow is important for maintaining curves in your lower back.
  • You can also put a small towel rolled under your back to get additional support.

With this position, your weight will be spread evenly, so that it does not weigh on just one point especially at the lower back point. You can also get a parallel position for your spine

4. Sleep on your stomach with a pillow under your stomach

Source: Healthline

In this position, choose a thin pillow under your lower abdomen and hips to help keep your spine parallel.

  • Sleep with your stomach and legs straight
  • Place a thin pillow under your stomach. Precisely, insert a pillow on the part of the lower abdomen with the waist to lift the middle part of your body
  • Use a flat pillow for your head, or if you like, you can sleep without a pillow on the head. Your head can look to the right or left side.

5. Sleep on your back with a straight body

Source: Healthline

This is one of the most practical positions. You only need to use one pillow and sleep on your back with your feet straight. However, if you want to do this sleeping position, make sure the condition of your mattress supports. If the position of the mattress supports it, the mattress can support you straight.

Selection of pillows

Reported on the Medical News Today page, the pillow used should be able to maintain a natural position from the neck position and can support the spine. Ideally, you should choose a comfortable pillow, easily adjusted to different positions, and the pillow shape always returns to normal after being used in any position. Pillows should also be replaced every 12-18 months.

Someone who likes to sleep on his back is more suitable for using a thinner type of pillow. If the pillow is too high it can cause tension in the neck and back.

Selection of mattresses

Choose a mattress that is not too soft, but still not hard. A mattress that is too soft will provide very little support. Therefore, choose a mattress that is still soft but still makes your sleeping position straight, the body does not enter the mattress too deeply.

In addition, it's best to maintain the texture of the mattress that is still upright, you should replace the mattress every 10 years.

Sleep More Soundly Despite Having Back Pain With These 5 Positions
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