Why do I often feel every bowel pain when I have menstruation?


Medical Video: Endometriosis

During menstruation, pain in the abdomen will become commonplace. But, if you feel CHAPTER pain during menstruation, is that normal? See the explanation below.

BAB pain during menstruation is considered normal

Basically, pain during menstruation is fairly normal, because during the menstrual period, the woman will produce prostaglandin climax. Prostaglandin is produced by the hormones estrogen and progesterone, so that the release of chemicals in the body, will cause cramps that occur in the intestine.

Well, this cramps in the intestine makes BAB pain during menstruation. Women before and during menstruation also often experience diarrhea, even constipation.

BAB pain during menstruation caused by health problems

But in some women, the pain of defecation experienced during menstruation can also mean there is a problem with parts of your body. Here are two diseases that often cause painful bowel movements during menstruation.

1. Endometriosis

Endometriosis is a problem that you can experience when you are in childbearing age, where the tissue that is supposed to coat your uterus, can grow outside the uterus for example in your fallopian tube. This network still functions like normal uterine tissue, and will decay into blood during menstruation.

However, because the tissue grows outside the uterus, blood cannot flow outside the body and is instead trapped inside. This results in internal bleeding and inflammation, which can cause certain symptoms, including pain during bowel movements.

Endometriosis usually involves the fallopian tube, ovary, intestine or tissue that lines the pelvis. The surrounding tissue can be irritated and painful, producing wound tissue or a bag filled with fluid that can inhibit pregnancy.

2. Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)

Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) is a digestive disease that affects the work of the large intestine.

The main function of the large intestine is to absorb water. The large intestine muscles usually contract which will push the dirt out.

In people with IBS, this muscle contraction may be abnormal. Too many contractions can cause diarrhea. Slower or less contractions can cause constipation. Irregular or intermittent muscle contractions may cause pain or feel pressured to go to the bathroom.

This IBS can also occur during menstruation whack, considering that prostaglandins produced during menstruation cause cramps in your intestines and make you feel pain when you defecate.

How to cope with BAB pain during menstruation

BAB pain when menstruation is indeed not an easy matter that can just disappear. At the very least, you have to withstand pain for about one week (during the menstrual period).

There are several things you can do when you feel pain when you defecate. First, try to drink more mineral water, because lack of water will only slow down the workings of the intestines so that during bowel movements it will hurt.

Second, consumption of milk or yogurt which can facilitate digestive metabolism, avoid eating fast food. Then, you can use warm water compresses that can relieve pain and heartburn during menstruation.

Third, when the two points above are not able to help relieve defecation during your menstruation, please take some pain medication. You can take ibuprofen medicine a few days before and when menstruation is taking place. Ibuprofen functions to relieve pain in the body, including BAB pain during menstruation. Use the dosage indicated on the drug packaging.

If you feel more pain, please consult your doctor to get further treatment.

Why do I often feel every bowel pain when I have menstruation?
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