3 Substitutes for Healthier Rice for Pregnant Women


Medical Video: 7 Best Foods for Pregnant Women in Hindi | By Ishan

You do have to gain weight during pregnancy to continue to support the growth and development of the fetus in the womb. Even so, you should not be overweight which can actually trigger gestational diabetes. Therefore, you also need to pay attention to the food source when increasing calories. Rice is indeed a major source of carbohydrates, but rice also quickly raises blood sugar. Alternatively, you can choose one of the following substitutes for rice for pregnant women. You may also vary it from one source to another at each meal.

Substitute rice for healthier pregnant women

Healthier substitutes for rice should ideally be high in complex carbohydrates. Food complex carbohydrate sources have a low glycemic index value, but high in fiber that makes you full longer and stay away from eating cravings junk food.

Some examples of carbohydrate choices as a substitute for rice include.

1. Red rice

Red rice has a higher fiber content than white rice. Per 50 grams of brown rice has a fiber content of 3.5 grams, while white rice has a fiber content of 0.6 grams. This high fiber content will keep you full longer so you don't overeat.

In addition, brown rice also has a higher vitamin B content than white rice. Vitamin B is one of the most important vitamins for pregnant women. By eating brown rice instead of white rice, you can get more vitamin B intake.

2. Whole wheat bread (whole wheat)

Wheat bread has calories and a lower glycemic index than white rice. This helps your blood sugar during pregnancy not rise quickly and also prevents hunger from coming faster.

Wheat bread also contains several important minerals such as calcium, magnesium, zinc, and phosphorus. It also contains important vitamins needed during pregnancy, such as vitamin E and folate.

Calcium during pregnancy is needed for the growth of your baby's bones and teeth. Babies will take calcium needs from the mother's body, so to maintain maternal bone density, mothers need a lot of calcium intake to replace the mother's calcium taken by the baby.

Zinc is very necessary to help the development of the baby's brain. Whereas, for pregnant women, it is needed for the growth and repair of the body's cells, and also to help produce energy.

Meanwhile, vitamin E is needed to help the formation and use of red blood cells and muscles. Folate is one form of vitamin B that is needed to support placental function and prevent babies from birth defects.

3. Potatoes

Potatoes are also one of the foods that can be a substitute for white rice for pregnant women. Potatoes have a lower calorie and glycemic index than white rice, but are slightly higher than brown rice.

Potatoes also contain higher fiber than white rice, especially if eaten with the skin. In addition, potatoes also contain vitamin B6, thiamine, riboflavin, folate, and vitamin C, which are important vitamins needed during pregnancy.

Vitamin B6 is needed to help the formation of red blood cells and help overcome the nausea causedmorning sickness. While vitamin C can enhance the immune system and health of pregnant women and fetuses.

Vitamin C can also help absorb iron to prevent pregnant women from anemia. Anemia is one of the common health problems that occur during pregnancy.

3 Substitutes for Healthier Rice for Pregnant Women
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