4 Benefits of Eating Oily Fish


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Fat is an important macronutrient in the form of oil, which can be met from food consumption. Although fat is needed by the body, the amount of intake needs to be limited because many types of foods contain saturated fats. But this is different if you eat oily fish (oily fish) which contains the type of fat that is needed by the body.

Nutritional content of oily fish

In general, fish is a type of food that is rich in various important nutrients, but its content can vary and depend on the type. Oily fish are several types of sea fish that are famous for being rich in omega-3 fatty acids, for example salmon, mackerel, sardines and tuna. The composition of the fat content of several types of fish is also different from red meat which contains a lot of saturated fat.

A source of fat that is good for health and rich in protein causes oily fish to meet most of the body's macronutrient needs. In addition, the consumption of oily fish also helps you meet the needs of vitamin D, B vitamins and minerals such as selenium. All parts of the body of the fish have almost the same nutritional content. Nutrition of oily fish also tends to be more durable even though it has been preserved by the process of cooling, fumigating, and packaging in cans.

The need for omega-3 from oily fish can be fulfilled by consuming twice a week with one serving per serving. One serving of fish recommended around 100 grams of cooked fish meat. However, some individuals with certain conditions such as having heart disease need higher omega-3 requirements.

Health benefits of consuming oily fish

Here are some of the main benefits of consuming omega-3 from oily fish:

  1. Maintain heart health - omega-3 (EPA and DHA) from oily fish can help reduce accumulation of fat levels in blood vessels which are the main risk factors in causing diseases such as hypertension and coronary heart disease.
  2. Prevent cancer - the development of cancer is caused by the body that cannot respond to the growth of cancer cells from the beginning. Adequacy of omega-3 is needed by the body to respond and prevent the growth of cancer cells early, without affecting normal cells especially on the surface of the skin and the mouth.
  3. Helps growth of brain cells - Omega-3 is an essential nutrient needed in the growth of a child's brain, even in the womb. DHA is needed for the development of sensory abilities, thinking, and development of a child's motor nerves. By meeting the needs of omega-3, brain cells can also regenerate better so that they can reduce senility and dementia in the elderly.
  4. Overcoming joint pain - the condition of joint pain is caused by inflammation and swelling of the joints causing pain in the individual who experiences it. Oily fish also has anti-inflammatory effects from omega-3s to reduce the effects of inflammation on joints.

How to choose and store oily fish

If you are going to buy oily fish in fresh condition, choose the condition of the fish that is still stiff and hard and has the color of the eyes and the body surface that is not pale. Avoid choosing fish that are too fishy. The body of an oily fish will become more soft if it has been caught in a few days. Fish storage must be in a cold temperature room, freezing conditions will be better. However, the nutrient content in fresh fish fat will also be rapidly reduced, therefore you should immediately consume a maximum of one day after purchase.

Things that must be considered in consuming oily fish

1. How to present

Absorption of oily fish nutrients by the body is influenced by how to cook the fish before it is eaten. Serving by frying can cause additional levels of fat that are not needed, and can affect the benefits of fish consumption. Therefore, try serving a healthier fish by boiling, baking, or steaming.

2. Calorie intake

Even though it has a good type of fat, the fat from fish still counts as fat consumption which must be limited. In addition to containing omega-3s, oil from fish can also cause you to consume excess calories and have an impact on obesity.

3. Potential health hazards

Oily fish is a predatory sea fish at the level of the food chain that is quite high. This causes oily fish caught from polluted seas to potentially accumulate toxins such as dioxin and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs). Pollutants in fish will be very dangerous for pregnant women and children, therefore observe the source of fish to be consumed. If you can't eat oily fish, the benefits of omega-3 can also be obtained from consuming fortified eggs, flaxseed, and walnuts.


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4 Benefits of Eating Oily Fish
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