4 Foods That Must Be Consumed After Making Love To Restore Body Stamina


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You could say, sex feels eleven twelve with moderate exercise. Because you burn enough energy to be able to move flexibly on the bed. Just imagine, having sex for 25 minutes burns as much energy as 300 calories - equivalent to cycling around the complex. So, do not be surprised if you or your partner often feel sleepy, tired, and hungry after sex. Here are some good food choices consumed after making love, so that your stamina returns to normal.

The right choice of food to drive hunger after sex

An international survey has reported that pizza is a favorite food choice for many couples to get hungry after sex.But, of course food fast food like this it's not good to be consumed continuously. It's good, devour four healthy foods below to help you overcome hunger after a "bed exercise" session with your partner.

1. Banana

Men and women can feel pain and even muscle cramps that are quite great after orgasm. In fact, when having sex you may not feel it at all. This is usually caused because the muscles are not used to doing all these movements.

You can make bananas as a mainstay snack after the lovemaking session. Not only to reduce hunger, bananas rich in potassium which can relieve cramping symptoms that can appear after you get off orgasm. Bananas also provide enough energy, so that you can support your body's stamina to move on to the next round.

2. Oatmeal

Breakfast of oatmeal can be your quick strategy to get rid of hunger after sex in the morning. Some studies suggest that in addition to being a more exciting source of complex carbohydrates, oatmeal can also increase male testosterone.

Increased testosterone has a direct effect on increasinglibido and sexual arousal. This can help you prepare your body to continue to the next round.

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3. Avocados

Avocados are a friend of the heart. But avocados can also be your best friend to strengthen the intensity of orgasm while driving away hunger after sex.

Avocados contain unsaturated fats which are good for the body and promote blood flow. Smooth blood flow to the sex organs is one of the determinants of how much orgasm you will experience.

4. Meat

In fact, beef, chicken and fish are good sources of protein for you to consume after sex. Protein helps you recover energy after sex. In addition, the zinc content in meat has been shown to increase testosterone levels in men which can increase sexual desire.

4 Foods That Must Be Consumed After Making Love To Restore Body Stamina
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